No-Rise Slow Cooker Basil Pesto Bread | Crock Pot Recipe (2024)

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Get ready for an easy Slow Cooker Bread with Basil Pesto that’s all about taste without the hassle! Mix your ingredients, place them in the slow cooker, and you’ve got yourself a soft, crusty, delicious bread packed with that awesome basil pesto flavor.

No-Rise Slow Cooker Basil Pesto Bread | Crock Pot Recipe (2)

    Slow Cooker Bread Recipe

    Imagine baking bread without the hassle of kneading endlessly or waiting for it to rise. This Slow Cooker Bread brings that imagination to life! It’s a simple bread-making experience where your slow cooker does all the heavy lifting. Infused with the aromatic flair of basil pesto, this bread is soft, savory, and perfect for any meal. Just mix, set, and let your slow cooker transform the ingredients into a beautifully textured, flavorful bread. Trust me – it’s a game-changer! No complicated steps, no waiting for the dough to rise. It’s a quick, straightforward recipe that delivers delicious, homemade bread.

    Why We Love This Slow Cooker Bread

    • Easy to Prep: Say goodbye to complicated bread recipes; no rising time is needed, and minimal effort is required.
    • So Much Flavor: The basil pesto infusion turns this bread into a delicious masterpiece that’s hard to resist.
    • Versatile: It’s a soft and crusty bread that pairs nicely with various dishes.
    • Slow Cooker Magic: Enjoy the simplicity and consistency of using a slow cooker – set it and forget it!
    No-Rise Slow Cooker Basil Pesto Bread | Crock Pot Recipe (3)

    Slow Cooker Bread Ingredients

    Get those taste buds ready because here comes the lineup of ingredients to get this delicious bread with basil pesto on the table!

    • Active Dry Yeast: Gives the bread its soft, airy texture.
    • Sugar: Feeds the yeast and aids in the browning of the bread.
    • Lukewarm Water: Activates the yeast and brings the dough together.
    • All-Purpose Flour
    • Olive Oil: Adds moisture and flavor.
    • Basil Pesto: Infuses the bread with a rich, savory taste.
    • Salt: Enhances flavor.
    • Dried Parsley and Kosher Salt: For topping, adds an extra layer of flavor and presentation.
    No-Rise Slow Cooker Basil Pesto Bread | Crock Pot Recipe (4)
    No-Rise Slow Cooker Basil Pesto Bread | Crock Pot Recipe (5)

    How To Make Slow Cooker Bread

    This recipe starts out with a bowl plus all the ingredients inside. Once you combine all those ingredients together, you will turn out the dough onto a floured working surface and knead for 5 minutes. For those that do not want to knead and forego the slow cooker, you must try my No Knead Skillet Olive Bread and No Knead Rosemary Garlic Bread.

    1. Line a slow cooker with parchment paper.
    2. Mix yeast, sugar, and water in a large mixing bowl; let sit to activate the yeast. Add in the flour, olive oil, basil pesto, and salt; mix to form a dough.
    3. Turn the dough out onto a working surface and knead it for 5 minutes, then place it in the slow cooker.
    4. Top with dried parsley and salt, cover, and cook on HIGH for 2 hours.
    5. Pop the bread under the broiler for around 5 minutes to achieve a golden brown top.
    6. Let the bread cool before slicing and serving.
    No-Rise Slow Cooker Basil Pesto Bread | Crock Pot Recipe (6)

    Tips For Making Bread In The Slow Cooker

    • Broiler: Know that the bread will not brown on top inside the slow cooker. To get it all browned up nicely, you’ll have to transfer the bread to a baking sheet and broil for about 4 to 5 minutes or until golden brown.
    • Check for Doneness: Always check the internal temperature of the bread to ensure it’s fully cooked; it should reach 200°F.
    • Let it Rest: Allow the bread to cool completely before slicing.
    • Olive Oil Drizzle: Drizzle a bit of olive oil on top after it’s done cooking for an extra layer of flavor and a shiny finish.
    • Experiment with Herbs: Try adding herbs like rosemary, thyme, or oregano to give the bread a unique flavor.
    • Cheese Addition: Mix grated cheese like parmesan or cheddar into the dough for a cheesy twist.
    • Different Pesto Variations: Swap basil pesto with sun-dried tomato pesto or spinach pesto for a change in flavor profile.
    • Toppings Galore: Before cooking, sprinkle the top with seeds (like sesame seeds or everything bagel seeds) for added texture and taste.
    • Bread Shapes: Shape the dough differently – make rolls or baguette shapes to make it fun and customized.
    No-Rise Slow Cooker Basil Pesto Bread | Crock Pot Recipe (7)

    What To Serve With Bread

    • Dips: Serve the bread as an appetizer with a selection of dips – think marinara, hummus, or a robust olive oil with herbs.
    • Cheese Board: Add slices of this slow cooker bread to a cheese board with various cheeses, fruits, and nuts.
    • Soup’s On: This bread is the perfect companion to a warm bowl of soup, especially Tomato Soup or a hearty Minestrone.
    • Pasta Night: Pair the basil pesto bread with a classic Chicken Pasta Bake or creamy Alfredo pasta with Steak.
    • Salad: The rich flavors of the bread would complement a crisp La Scala Chopped Salad beautifully.


    Store your slow cooker bread in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 4 days. You can also freeze it! Wrapped tightly, this flavorful bread can be frozen for up to a month.

    More Bread Recipes

    • Focaccia Bread
    • Lavash Bread
    • Two Ingredient Naan
    • Keto Cloud Bread
    • Soda Bread

    No-Rise Slow Cooker Basil Pesto Bread | Crock Pot Recipe (8)

    Slow Cooker Bread with Basil Pesto

    Katerina | Diethood

    This no-rise, no-fuss, delicious slow cooker bread is packed with basil pesto and probably one of the most flavorful bread recipes you will ever make!

    4.93 from 39 votes

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    Servings : 12 servings

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    Prep Time 15 minutes mins

    Cook Time 2 hours hrs

    Cooling Time 1 hour hr

    Total Time 3 hours hrs


    • teaspoons (or 1 envelope) active dry yeast
    • 1 tablespoon sugar
    • cups lukewarm water (about 105 degrees Fahrenheit)
    • cups all-purpose flour
    • 1 tablespoon olive oil
    • ¼ cup basil pesto
    • 1 teaspoon salt
    • dried parsley, for topping
    • kosher salt, for topping


    • Line a 6-quart slow cooker with parchment paper and set aside.

    • Place yeast and sugar in a large mixing bowl and stir to combine. Add water and continue to stir until combined. Add in the flour, olive oil, basil pesto, and salt; stir with a wooden spoon until well incorporated and a shaggy dough begins to form.

    • Turn out the dough onto a floured working surface and knead for 5 minutes until the dough is soft and smooth. IF the dough is sticky, add a little more flour, about one tablespoon at a time.

    • Place the ball of dough in the slow cooker. Sprinkle the top with dried parsley and salt.

    • Cover and cook on HIGH for 2 hours or until golden on the bottom. The internal temperature of the baked bread should register at 200˚F.

    • Remove the bread from the slow cooker together with parchment paper and place on a baking sheet.

    • Place the bread under the broiler for 3 to 5 minutes or until golden brown on top.

    • Remove the bread from the oven and set it on a cooling rack. Let rest until completely cooled before cutting and serving.



    • Broiling Step: The slow cooker won’t brown the bread. For a golden crust, transfer it to a baking sheet and broil for 4 to 5 minutes.
    • Check the Temperature: Ensure the bread’s internal temperature hits 200°F to confirm it’s cooked through.
    • Cooling Time: Let the bread cool thoroughly before cutting. The internal steam helps cook the bread from the inside, even after it’s out of the oven. Cutting it early can halt this process, creating undesirable chewy, gooey texture and structural integrity.
    • Flavor Boost: Drizzle olive oil on the bread after it’s baked for an extra taste and glossy look.
    • Herb Varieties: Enhance the bread’s flavor by mixing herbs like rosemary or thyme into the dough.
    • Cheese Mix-in: Add grated cheese to the dough for a cheesy flavor.
    • Pesto Options: Use sun-dried tomato or spinach pesto for a flavor twist.
    • Topping Choices: Add sesame seeds or everything bagel seeds on top before cooking for extra texture.
    • Measurements: It’s crucial to highlight that “3-3/4 cups” indicates 3 full cups plus an additional 3/4 cup, totaling 3.75 cups, and not 3 instances of 3/4 cups. Unfortunately, this misunderstanding has led several readers to make a bread that was gooey, undercooked, and chewy.


    Serving: 1 slice | Calories: 179 kcal | Carbohydrates: 32 g | Protein: 5 g | Fat: 4 g | Saturated Fat: 1 g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0.3 g | Monounsaturated Fat: 1 g | Cholesterol: 0.4 mg | Sodium: 243 mg | Potassium: 51 mg | Fiber: 1 g | Sugar: 1 g | Vitamin A: 104 IU | Vitamin C: 0.003 mg | Calcium: 15 mg | Iron: 2 mg

    Nutritional info is an estimate and provided as courtesy. Values may vary according to the ingredients and tools used. Please use your preferred nutritional calculator for more detailed info.

    Course: Side Dish

    Cuisine: Mediterranean

    Keyword: crock pot bread recipe, crock pot recipes, slow cooker bread recipe, slow cooker recipes

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    • Side Dishes
    • Slow Cooker/Crock Pot
    No-Rise Slow Cooker Basil Pesto Bread | Crock Pot Recipe (2024)


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