Roster and Level Help — 505 Go Inc. Forums (2024)

Roster and Level Help — 505 Go Inc. Forums Wed, 12 Jun 2024 13:46:37 +0000 en Roster and Level Help — 505 Go Inc. Forums sell price of maxed 4* and 5* Mon, 18 Sep 2023 04:46:02 +0000 Roster and Level Help NastyFox 89105@/discussions <![CDATA[

everything is in the title.

i know the sell prices of maxed 2* and 3*, but i'd like to know the sell prices of maxed 4* and 5* and my highest 4* is only lvl302.

i've done some maths, but upgrading from max-1 to max increases sell price by a huge amount, and i have no idea what this amount is for 4* and 5*, so it's just impossible to calculate maxed sell prices ^^"

does anyone knows these two prices?

Should I champ my 5 stars? Sat, 21 Oct 2023 17:09:26 +0000 Roster and Level Help dxanders 89334@/discussions <![CDATA[

Up until now, I've been firmly in 4 star territory (Polaris+rocket+Juggs mostly) but after a bunch of pulls from the fan faves store, I now have shang, okoye, and thor all maxed out with plenty of iso to champ them. Is that going to throw off my balance, or should I just go ahead and push them all to champions?

sell price of lvl550 Wed, 27 Sep 2023 08:13:53 +0000 Roster and Level Help NastyFox 89143@/discussions <![CDATA[

hello there, can someone tell me the sell price of a maxed 5* lvl550 please?

5* pvp team advice Sat, 06 May 2023 11:49:39 +0000 Roster and Level Help AlexR 88555@/discussions <![CDATA[

Not sure anyone will see this post here, but fingers crossed.

I need advice. I am in single 5* mmr and looking to push into 5* land proper. Thanks to the quests, I now have some iso to champ two more 5*.

* I want a functional team for pick-2 pvp.

* My single 5* can handle almost everything, but what they struggle with is Chasm. So, I would ideally want something that is good against Chasm and Chasm/iHulk to be able to survive in the meta.

My options:
BRB, Kamala, Chasm, Kitty, MThor, Wong, Gargantos, Riri, Kang, Okoye, (Loki, Strange). And SWitch, who is only at 9/13 but I could push her along with milestone shards.

What team would you recommend? Help appreciated.

Edit: Several weeks later and now it's no longer needed. Can't delete the post (it's kind of pointless to leave it up, since there were no replies anyway?), so I guess you can just... continue to ignore this. Roster and Level Help — 505 Go Inc. Forums (1)

Let's talk about Taskmaster Fri, 15 Oct 2021 08:00:16 +0000 Roster and Level Help Daniel2121 85819@/discussions <![CDATA[This guy. He is the only limited character that matters to me. Howard seems somewhat decent too (and that red dino is just garbage...), but for me Tasky is the real deal (helps that he has Quack-Fu as one of his selectable skills).

So what builds are you using in the current Taskmaster PvP event? Or better yet, what are his best builds?

I only have his red and blue at 2 covers each, still no covers whatsoever for his black. Because I'm using Polaris alongside him I've chosen Speed Shot as his blue power, in order to save blue AP for Polaris' stun. For his red, I currently have Grim Efficiency but at just 2 covers it doesn't feel that "efficient". I would use D3adpool's ALOT if not for the fact that GE can create attack tiles. I mentioned I don't have his black power yet but I'm going to leave it at Quack-Fu if I ever unlock it.

There's a small self-synergy he has (mentioned elsewhere) with Oldest Trick + Speed Shot. Not sure how much worth is this one, however.

I saw his thread on release and people then mentioned Grim Efficiency + Billy Club + Moonsilver Blades as his best build, but I'd like to know why. Out of all these abilities only Billy Club seems practical. Moonsilver Blades hits someone at random. Not my choice of target. GE not very efficient as I mentioned before.

For me the "best bang for the buck" abilities seems to be the first ones - ALOT, Billy Club (or Speed Shot if you have a partner that can use blue AP better than Tasky does), and Quack-Fu. ALOT is weaker than D3adpool's version but still a very efficient nuke for just 6 red AP.

Then there are builds for specific purpose: stunning (Do As Peggy Says + Skull Cracker) or board clearing (Twin Pistols, Sniper Rifle).]]>

How do you level your champs? Tue, 23 Aug 2022 11:48:12 +0000 Roster and Level Help ickysticky 87338@/discussions <![CDATA[I have rostered a lot of 5* and have a decent amount of covers for a few of them, but I am certainly still wading through 4* land.

I was wondering what is everyone's leveling strategy?

Currently I'm prioritising HP champ rewards for roster slots. So I favourite a char until I get the HP, then favourite the next closest char to another HP reward.

Is this an efficient approach or should I try a different method?]]>

Mainly 4* advice Sun, 13 Jun 2021 14:19:43 +0000 Roster and Level Help hothie 85189@/discussions <![CDATA[

Here is my roster. I've got all but 1 3* champed, and he's at 11 covers, so I'm close there. Currently focusing Iso on my 2* farm, as I have 3 characters with 13 covers that I need to get champed again. I'm in about a 1.7M debt right now.

For 4*s, I've got Hulkbuster, Juggs, and Polaris champed. Next closest are Valkyrie (5/4/3), Beast (3/3/5), and Monica (5/2/3). But for PvP, I see a ton of Karnak, Medusa, R4G. I have very limited covers in all of them. I guess my question is, should I focus shards on the 4*s that are close to champ level, or leave them alone and focus on the more useful ones that will take longer to get good?

Should I care about my 5*s yet? Most are at 255 despite having a couple of covers. My 5* shards are currently going to Cyclops to get his yellow ability (367 shards currently), then I think I'll switch to Okoye to get her started down the meta path.

Also, if you see any loadouts that are different than standardized norms (like my 3* Storm at 5/3/5. Is there a more widely accepted loadout for her? I dunno, and I likely haven't paid too much attention to it.) So if you see any glaring loadouts that I might need to pay attention to, feel free to advise those as well.

Should I roster a 5 star character??? (Silver Surfer) Thu, 04 Nov 2021 04:12:01 +0000 Roster and Level Help EienRyuu 85953@/discussions <![CDATA[So... I'm kinda a new player. I've been playing the game for about an year and a bit more. The Shield Resupply shows as of this post that I am on day 731.
This will be quite the post so sorry for that.

Now a bit of info and specifics on me. I'm kinda a 3 star user for now, trying for the 4 stars.
- Shield Rank is 65, very close to 66.
- I have one 1 star character (Yelena Belova - quite enough for me the 1 node challenge in DDQ)
- ALL 2 star characters (including Bagman). Except Bagman, they are all max champed (lvl 144)
- ALL 3 star characters as well. Most of them are champed just 3 characters are not there, yet....
- 38 4 star characters. Some of them are a bit covered, some are on 1 cover for now.
- My top 6 characters are as follows: Polaris (because EVERYONE and their mother uses her... xD) at lvl 229 (3/4/4); the 3 star Dr. Strange with 215 lvl (5/3/5); Kamala Khan at 211 (5/3/5); Howard the Duck is 209 (4/3/3); next is 3 star Gamora at 207 (5/5/3) and finally Deadpool on 196 (5/5/3).

Now, I know that my 3 star characters will give me 4 star covers at lvl 183. But the Daily Resupply just dropped me the 5 Silver Surfer with his black ability. And since 5 stars are the end goal after all....
But at one cover 5's aren't really good. Like.. even I can beat them with my 3 stars. Unless they are powered up (boosted seems to be the term here) they don't provide nothing except their bigger health and match damage.

So, should I roster him? Since he won't be of much help for me but the feeling of having a 5 star is there. And it is my first. I don't have any at all. xD

Thank you all in advance! Roster and Level Help — 505 Go Inc. Forums (2)

Edit: If you want to see my entire roster, look up the Japan Tokyo alliance. My name is Eien Ryuu in there. I tried to register the same here but it doesn't allow spaces sadly... xD]]>

Moving to PVE SCL 10 Thu, 02 Dec 2021 18:31:12 +0000 Roster and Level Help StreetPreacher 86062@/discussions <![CDATA[I am a returning player after a long hiatus: Wasp was the newest 5* at the time. What should I be doing so that I can handle PVE SCL 10? I've currently got Polaris and 5* Kitty Pryde favorited, and I could do 83 LL pulls if I decided to chase Shang-Chi.

Here's my roster-


Pull or wait Mon, 11 Oct 2021 18:52:27 +0000 Roster and Level Help Helinutz 85781@/discussions <![CDATA[So….I really rate Shang Chi and def plan on champing him
Currently he’s 1/2/2. Electro is 1/1/2, Odin is 0/0/1 and Ultron is 0/0/1.
Pretty certain I have enough pulls ( about 250 pulls) to champ CS and I have 700 shards ready to cash in and would fave him during the pulls.
Who would you include in the pulls and why.
1. Odin and Electro
2. Odin and Ultron
3. Ultron and AN Other


4* Farm? Wed, 17 Nov 2021 04:22:57 +0000 Roster and Level Help heybub 86003@/discussions <![CDATA[I just entered 5* land as I unloaded for Shang-Chi and champed 6 of my 5* characters (Shang-Chi, Okoye, Thor, BRB, Carnage, Professor X. I have something like 7mil ISO and a number of underleveled 4* characters.

I am wondering if it is worth it to champ all of them. My 2* and 3* farm has worked out well for me, so I figure a 4* farm would be beneficial as well, but was hoping to have some experts weigh in to help decide what to do with all that ISO. I have a number of champed 4*s already - ones that I like or are useful, but many others that are still at level 70 with lots of saved covers (examples are Electra with 18 saved covers or Spider Woman with 20 saved covers). I also have some 5*s that are underleveled as well (7 covers of Silver Surfer at level 255 for example, as well as Gamora, Hela, and Ultron nearly fully covered at level 255).

For all you 5* studs, what is your strategy?


Undercovered five stars Thu, 14 Oct 2021 22:09:07 +0000 Roster and Level Help Roland113 85814@/discussions <![CDATA[So, I'm in five star land, I have BRB, Kitty, Okoye, Storm, X and Strange champed, Thanos is 250 shards away from being champed. On the way, I noticed that an undercovered BRB was waaaaaay better than my four stars for the most part.

So here is my question, at what level do the five stars really start to take off? Where should I soft cap my undercovered five stars to get the most bang for my iso while I collect covers for my next Champs?]]>

Electro Mon, 11 Oct 2021 15:00:09 +0000 Roster and Level Help Daniel2121 85778@/discussions <![CDATA[Is she a good character? I got a single cover for her yellow power (Free Of Charge). The active part of this power (creates a big strike tile on the bottom row) is nicely countered by Blob as of this moment, but the passive part (reduces AOE damage and generates yellow AP) is appealing. Is she at least a good counter to 4* Jugg?]]> Should I pull in the anniversary store? Fri, 27 Aug 2021 23:09:54 +0000 Roster and Level Help Carnifex 85573@/discussions <![CDATA[Hi all.

I was just wondering your thoughts on thread title.
I am a 4* player, all rostered apart from missing 4, and I have rostered 10 5*s so far. I'm not ready to make the jump to champed 5* land quite yet, but would appreciate advice on getting there.

When anniversary store comes round, I'm hoping to have saved a minimum 1000cp, so I'll probably be between 40 and 50 pulls. If the three featured 5*s all end up being meta/must-haves and I didn't have any of the 3 rostered, would it be worth me pulling my small hoard for a handful of covers, if that, for said characters?
Is one or two covers for a meta character worth rostering, although their next covers may be a long time away, or should I save the CP hoard with my LLs to make the 5* jump when 3 decent characters rotate in?

I hope this makes sense and thank you for your time Roster and Level Help — 505 Go Inc. Forums (3)]]>

Do you guys recommend me going for Kate Pryde? Sun, 12 Sep 2021 01:31:53 +0000 Roster and Level Help Daniel2121 85636@/discussions <![CDATA[Simple question. I've been in 3* land for quite a while but I got most of em champed and only a few ones left. I'm about to leave 3* tiers soon. In fact, you might say I'm already transitioning into 4* for some time: have champed Polaris for some time now, currently working on Medusa, have Riri, X-Logan, 4* Xavier, Sabertooth and a few others standing by for the future.
I know I've said that Polaris meta was quite annoying and that I don't like it but after some consideration, it seemed too strong of a bandwagon to let it pass. Playing with passives is pretty useful against certain heroes (Strange anyone?). So, I just jumped on it. I intend to go for C4rnage next and complete the trio (Polaris, Dusa, C4rnage). But I thought I could pick a few others that would help my Polaris as well. My long term goal I think is still champing Archangel (lol) but I need strong meta picks to get that done, or else it'll take a lifetime.

But that's the question. Kate seems decent, yellow is pretty cheap to generate some protects, and she even gets the synergy from Lockheed support. I'm tempted to keep her as well but I'm not yet 100% sure about that. Thought I would ask what's the experience with her from other users. So is she a good hero for Polaris meta? Do you guys know of any issues with her? Not worth in the long run?]]>

Couple of things regarding Archangel Mon, 23 Aug 2021 03:00:54 +0000 Roster and Level Help Daniel2121 85548@/discussions <![CDATA[So, a couple days ago I completed the 500 shards required to unlock him.

I rostered him, and immediately tried his combo with Riri (she launches enemies into the air, he auto-stuns them with his blue passive). Here's the thing though, it did NOT work. Archangel doesn't stun the launched enemy (yes, I spent his shards on a blue skill cover, I do have his stun). Why won't it work? Do I need to put more levels into the launch or the stun? So that Riri launches for more turns or he stuns for more turns? I don't get it.

The other question about Warren is, I don't know if anyone noticed, but I can use both versions of Warren in a team. I can put 3* Angel and 5* Archangel in separate slots and they won't conflict with each other and will play together no problem. Was this supposed to happen? Weren't they supposed to replace each other, if one gets selected after the other is already in? Like how different versions of Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Logan, Storm etc etc. will replace a previous one. You can't have two Logans in the team, one will replace the other. But for Warren, this rule won't apply. How? Why? I get that the Angel version of him is from an alternate timeline different from Archangel's, but still, they're the same individual.

I screenshotted it if anyone doubts it:

How character levels will influence my PVP matchmaking Wed, 09 Sep 2020 09:01:07 +0000 Roster and Level Help darkman84 83445@/discussions <![CDATA[Hi all! I'm slowly moving into 4* land, and would like to see your view on what strategy should I take, not to make my PVP matchmaking change to high?

Currently my rooser lvls looks more or less like this:

two 4* at lvl270
three 3* around lvl260
some 4* between lvl209 and 250
several 3* above lvl200
the rest at lvl166 or below

Only month ago I had one 4* at lvl270, and the rest of the characters below lvl200. PVP back then was pretty easy - 3* character opponents mostly. Then I decided to use some of my hoarded tokens and leveled up several characters(maybe too quickly) to the state described above. I noticed pretty significant change in PVP (mostly 4*, or underleveled 5*, a lot more health), nothing that couldn't be handled, but it slowed me down, and of course made me hitting SKIP button more often.
Now I have some 4* which I could level up to 270 (or above), but after described experience I'm now a bit hesitant. Also maybe it's worth mentioning I'm playing PVP on SCL7, and my goal is at least 40win progression + T25 placement, which at this point is managable.

So my question to you is - should I wait with leveling until I have more 4* fully covered, and keep them underleveled? Or at this point leveling up to 270 should not make any significant difference in PVP?
What do you think my strategy should be for now, and the future?
Also do you know if Shield Rank has anything to do with PVP opponents?

Thanks in advance for any advices.]]>

Which third 5*? Sat, 17 Jul 2021 23:31:57 +0000 Roster and Level Help mpiter 85370@/discussions <![CDATA[Hello,

After having champed Okoye and Kitty, and having iHulk 110 (the powers, not the level) and the meta 4* championed, which 5* should I cover? I hesitate between BBR, Apocalypse, Thor, and Adam Warlock.I mainly play PVE SCL10.

I thank you for any piece of advice.

BRB, Carnage, or Knull Thu, 08 Jul 2021 15:49:40 +0000 Roster and Level Help Edgeman 85315@/discussions <![CDATA[Kitty+Wanda+BRB or Kitty+Wanda+5Carnage or Kitty+Wanda+Knull? Don't know which is better BRB, Carnage, or Knull (all are about the same level right now) is better to team up with Kitty and Wanda. Suggestion?
Is Wanda Worth It? Fri, 02 Jul 2021 20:33:16 +0000 Roster and Level Help heybub 85290@/discussions <![CDATA[I have finally saved up enough pulls to unleash my hoard, and I am wondering if Wanda is worth it. I've seen people get excited about her, so it looks like she might be good, but maybe not great for me. I have fully covered BRB, Carnage, Thor, Hela and with Prof X and Okoye almost there - but they are all only leveled to ~350. My goto team is BRB and Polaris which works pretty well for PVE and getting top 100 in PVP without too much effort or shield hopping.

I am not too impressed with Knull and Ronan on paper, and even to me, Wanda looks good, but maybe not great. She seems like and iHulk counter (which I don't really have the need for as I don't see too many of him), and I hear she pairs well with Apocalypse (whom I do not have).

Would Wanda be any better for me than Thorkoye or BRB/Polaris? How fun is she to play?

Thanks in advance.

Coming back after a loooong time Mon, 08 Mar 2021 23:33:54 +0000 Roster and Level Help ProfXaos 84698@/discussions <![CDATA[Hello,

I quite a ways back (I think just after Silver Surfer and the first Galactus event) and I am giving this a try again. I was never very well educated on the game -- and it has changed quite a bit in the mean time. It seems to be more fun than I remember.

Anyway, I am returning after being in the 3* -> 4* transition. Of course, they have added a ton of 3*s in the mean time. I don't have any complete 4* -- most are 1-3 covers. Should I sell all of my 4*s to make room for a 2* farm (I dropped most of the 2* because there was not much reason to keep them back then)? Is there a threshold of covers I should just keep the 4* -- or a list of 4* worth keeping?

It looks like I need to make a 2-3* transition all over again with the time away.]]>

Help Picking who to Champ Sat, 19 Jun 2021 19:19:28 +0000 Roster and Level Help Alex502 85214@/discussions <![CDATA[Hey all, I've got 17 four star characters ready to champ, and wanted to ask who I should prioritize? I know there's a couple that are obvious choices, but I'm still torn on who to level up first. I went through and looked at all of their saved covers, too, so I'll list them in order of that. This isn't necessarily my priority list. Some of these I have saves for are just meh in my book.

+6 Saved -
Cyclops, Miles Morales

+5 Saved

Riri, Nico, Red Hulk

+3 Saved

Gwenpoole, Ghost Rider, Winder Soldier

+2 Saved

Rogue, Spider Gwen, Legion

+1 Saved

Drax, Fisk

0 Saved

Iron Fist, Wiccan, Domino, Shuri

How/when should I transition from 3* to 4* Wed, 16 Jun 2021 05:42:02 +0000 Roster and Level Help Daniel2121 85199@/discussions <![CDATA[So I was/am in 3* land for a while. Transitioning from 2* to 3* was not hard at all because there's only 14 2* characters and I started getting into 3* land easily. But here's the thing, now that I'm well into 3* (but not nearly close to rostering them all yet) I have champed quite a few 3* chars now, and more of them are waiting in line to be champed as well.

The thing is that with one of these champed 3*s (Patch) I've gotten to level 183 which is where the 3*s give you a cover for a 4* char. And now I am at the point where more slots are getting expensive and I just can't afford to waste slots on characters I won't invest into.

Patch already gave me a cover for 4* Logan aka X-Wolverine. I chose to raise him for his board-clearing abilities and I got a few more covers for him as well so he's coming up nicely. But with my second biggest 3* which is Daken I have him at 175. I'll eventually get him at 183 which will give me a cover for his half-sister X-23. Now, this puts me in a big dilemma as I don't know whether to start raising some 4*s (the ones coming from champed 3*s at least) or just start selling those covers and finish my 3* roster first.
What is recommended here? Should I start selling these covers? 4* char covers for some chars don't come by very often. It's easy to ignore accumulated shards because they don't expire, but the covers do, so that poses the question. I might never see a X-23 cover again for quite a while. She seems like a decent character. I realize the same question will plague me for every cover that my champed 3*s start giving to me. What should I do now?]]>

Next 5*??? Tue, 01 Jun 2021 20:31:17 +0000 Roster and Level Help bk201 85134@/discussions <![CDATA[Quick question to the experts: Who should I focus on that will make any difference? Who is missing in the champed list that is essential to PvE and PvP? (I play both, mainly PvE)

Champed (ranges from 460 to 451): Okoye, Hela, Cap Marvel, Kitty, Loki, Apocalypse, Carnage, Doctor Doom, Iceman, PX, Thor, BRB, Onslaught, Storm
Fully covered: CA First Avenger
12 covers: iHulk, Killmonger
10 covers: Black Bolt, Strange
9 covers:Black Suit Spiderman, Yelena (2 saved)
8 covers: Black Panther, Black Widow, Deadpool, Mr. Sinister
7 covers: Magneto, Rescue, Silver Surfer, Star Lord, Old Man Logan

Everyone else have 6 or less covers, only Knull is missing.I have all 4* rostered and champed except for 16 of them (12 fully covered and the last 4 releases in progress).Also, have 140 LL tokens, but Wanda, Colossus and Knull doesn't seem to have great synergy with those champed.

Thanks in advance for the help!]]>

Who to pick 4* Tue, 19 Jan 2021 12:03:23 +0000 Roster and Level Help Wcheet 84385@/discussions <![CDATA[Hello all, forgive me but I’m at a loss. I have enough shards to champ a 4*. I have the regular 4* champed already to compete eg Polaris, Rocket and Groot, Medusa etc

im working towards the milestone quests and out of these listed below who should I champ next to help in PvP or PvE??

Nick Fury
Maria Hill
Super Skrull
War Machine
Hulk Buster
Anti Venom
Lady Thor
Misty Knight
Prof X
Emma Frost

any help, insight is appreciated.


Roster and Level Help — 505 Go Inc. Forums (2024)


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