Springfield Evening Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, THURSDAY APRIL 18, 1946 ON COMMITTEE RICHARD WILLOUGHBY Richard Willoughhy of Hope Congregational Church is on the committee plauning for the annual Easter sunrise service sponsored by the Springfield Council of Christian Youth 10 be held in Memorial Forest Park, at 6.30 Sunday morning. Clarence Fuller of East Church will be the speaker and Salvation Army Band will provide music. Members of the In the event the service council will conduct, service. will he held in Trinity Church community hall. en elected Charles R.

president of Zimmerman: the has Speak- been er's Club which was formed at a recent meeting at the YMCA, Membership is limited to advanced students of the speaking classes conducted 'by Prof. Arthur A. Rudman under the auspices of the YMCA. These, classes have been conducted for several years during the fall and winter seasons and all members are invited to attend the next meeting scheduled for May. 6.

An extensive program for the balance of the year has been planned for meetings which will be held monthly; including the me months. Other officer of the club are: Vicepresident, Joseph Keating; secretary, Frances Jaworek and treasurer. Julia Shakour. The executivo committee includes Prof. Rudman and Daniel Lynch.

Zimmerman Heads New Speakers Club NEW VETS' POST. OPENS QUARTERS The newly installed Springfield post, American Veterans of World War II, moved into its new office at 44 State Street at the beginning of the week. All business letters pertaining to the post, or requests for information should be sent to that address. A membership drive is now underway, since the local post is on an organized basis and is in a position to handle its Affairs efficiently. In Observance of GOOD FRIDAY WE WILL BE CLOSED FROM 12 to 3 P.

M. KAVANAGH FURNITURE COMPANY 443 STATE ST. Opp. Armory FISHING ARMY OUT TOMORROW Connecticut Trout Opens Saturday The coming week ent, a holiday for thousands in Western Massachusetts, will probably see a three-day concentration of fishermen 011 the streams and ponds as large as on the orening day of the season. time in also an important Connecticut for the trout season hezing in that state Saturday and there are quite as good as in this region.

Fish and game officials in the Nutmeg State have done some heavy stocking this spring, though as is the custom, several more plantings will be made at intervals. Several of the popular trout streams in Western Massachusetts, especially, tho Farmington and Housatonic Rivers. through more southcrly state and are fished as heavily there as here. Also, the fishermen of hoth states profit by the stocking each state fish and game departmer.t, particularly during the latter part of the season when the fish begin moving around more freely. One of the first contingents of anglers to return from Atlantic salmon fishing on the Miramichi River in New Brunswick brought back a big catch.

From their story they hit the early fishing "right on the nose." In A. party Hoyt, was Guy Dr. George Moran, Dr. Pendleton Perand Joe Davish. Lack of rain and more moderate weather this week is expected to produce batter fishing on many streams and in this region.

A number of the best streams, such as the three branches of the Westfield River, however. need considerable rainfall to bring the fishing up to normal. Anglers have been- surprised and somewhat dismayed to find the flood control reservoir behind the Knightville dam non-existent as many had been planning to do some fishing in those waters which are now open for such sport. Lack of any reserve behind the dam also is A poor augury for later fishing on the East Branch rain to permit furthers imthe Westfield unless is pounding of water. SPECIALS! ON CHOICE WINES and LIQUORS OPEN 9 A.

M. to 9 P. M. BURGER'S STANDARD PACKAGE STORE 415 Worthington St. Tel.

6-8224 A LARGE SHIPMENT OF PANTS IN SMART STYLES GREY FLANNEL Very Colorful $9.00 Herringbone Weaves Wool and Checks With Zippers and Pleats. In A Fine Selection of grey Well and tailored brown. $9.00 Well Tailored PANTS In pencil blue and brown $5.00 HANDSOME SPORT SLACKS In brown, blue or green. WORK PANTS wool, cotton, Each Pair Sanforized With pleats $5.90 $3.23 FOR LARGE MEN That are hard to fit. ComfortAll Wool- light able.

blue Chinos Rivercrest and $5.00 SWEATERS SIZES UP TO 50. $2.95 to $7.95 FREE ALTERATIONS ST. OPEN SAT. EVES. TILL 9 NATIONAL PANTS STORE 1632 MAIN Opp.

Taylor St. WANTED AT ONCE FIRST. CLASS BEEF SLAUGHTER HOUSE BUTCHERS GOOD PAY Apply I Irving Feinstein GROWERS OUTLET, INC. 2018 MAIN ST. SPRINGFIELD Truman Health Plan Panned Swope, Ham, Gimbel, Sarnoff, Jimmie Roosevelt, Dr.

Frothingham Taken Apart by, Hippocrates A satiric editorial on the Truman national health plan appears in the current issue of Hampden Hippocrat, bulletin the Hampden district of the Massachusetts Medical Socicty. The editorial says, in part: spread the the January, double of "Thanks to the central the Worcester Medical News, a Sillvey of the individuals who endorsed the Truman national health plan ar-zel deutly enough to: pay for the advertisenient became possible. Let 118 accopt the editor's invitation to look over the list to see just who they "General Electric's Gerard Swopc heads the list. What, one may wonder, will his strike-minded employ cs think when increasing contributions up to six per cent toward compulsory health insurance are withheld from the pay envelopes? Similar questions may agitato the employes of David Sarnoff of the Radio Corporation and of Lessing Rosewald of Scars, Rocbuck and Bernard Gimbel, the big New York department-storer. "And what if the workers insist upon passing the: whole cost back upon the corporation in their next strike, as is anticipated? The unorthe bill, ultimates And when inflaganized consumer will foot tion pyramids unemployment and stops income generally, who will be left to carry the burden of keeping the public well? Jimmie Roosevelt Noted "The long-suffering practitioner of medicine, as usual, will be found holding the bag! James Roosevelt's name appears are -and of surprised course to his find mother's radio speech -makers Raymond Swing, Cecil Brown, Johannes Steel, Ben Grauer, Leland Stowe, Quincy Howe Milliam S.

Gailfor for once so nearly. in agreement. "Finance is represented by Albert Lasker, David Heyman, Fred Stein and Guy Emerson of New York, and politics. by liorello, the Erstwhile, with his successor who, by now, must crave compulsory health insurancc himself against persistent lcadaches. "The roster includes many artists from Mady Christians, actress, to HaScott of grand piano fame; from Jo.

Davidson and William Zobach, sculptors, to Thonas Mann and Louis a and Adamic who who both also part fled with from their compul- pens, sion in Europe. Reference to Ham. D. Patterson. of Tuskegee Institute is paired with Boswell G.

Ham, president of Mt. Holyoke Col-. lege. The latter has refused to with his students' participation in picketing, but apparently he has 110 hesitation in sponsoring dictation to the medical profession in the vital matter of conduct of medical practice. "Caroline Dudley Morgan.

Smith White of Cranbury. N. Adele Rosewald Levy of N. and Mary Dublin Keyserling of Washington, all unattached, also ran. "Lastly we come to the medical sponsors, and firstly of these, to Channing Frothingham of Boston, Knight of the White Cross and the squash racquet, Alice Hamilton of Hadlyme, John Peters and C.

E. A. Winslow of New Haven. Ernst Boas and Kingsley Roberts of New York, Thomas Addis of San Francisco. Abel Wolman and Bertram Bernhelm of Haltimore, and Allan Butler of the M.

G. It would be interesting 10 learn whether or not most of these doctors of medicine are on full-time salaries, or are independently wealthy enough to indulge in day Says Our Hut Is Way Ahead Of That Chicopee Sample House A GI. who has gone into newspaper work, looked over. both the Quonset hut at Court Square and the widely heralded sample home recently erected in Chicopee as something which would provide A good home investment He for came, veterans to the at a modest conclusion costhat Springfield 'is offering veterans a much better thing than Chicopee is TWO ANNULMENTS, 12 DIVORCES GIVEN Judge John A. Denison in Probate Court yesterday granted 12 divorces, two annulments and a decree of separate support, after uncontested hearings, as follows: West Side Couple Yvonne Bissonette Rich from Kenneth H.

Rich, both of West Springfield, for cruelty, custody of four children to wife, husband to pay $85 month; married in Malone, N. Dec. 6, 1931; separated this city, Nov. 1945. Claire Lucille, Chagnon Wilson.

of this city Henry Francis Wilson, Jr. of Holyoke, for cruelty, custody of minor child to wife, husband to pay $10 a week; married at Chicopee Aug. 28. 1941, separated Sept. 8, 1941.

Beulah Mae Umberger Collier from Joseph Collier, of Granville, for cruelty: married Nov. 29, 1934, separated Feb. 16. 1016. John Adams, Jr.

of this city front Grace Elizabeth Bridges Adams of Peterburg, for cruelty; married this city June 23, 1340, separated July 22, 1943. Separate support of $14 a week was awarded to Drs. Nora Sullivan Quinn from Maurice James Quinn of Holyoke. They have three Mildred Campbell Marco of Westfield was granted divorce from Herbert Francis Marco of parts unknown for cruelty, custody of minor child to wife, husband to pay $50 a month: at Westfield July 2, 1932 and separated Aug. 31.

1915. Following a contested hearing Judge Thomas H. Stapleton dismissed libels for divorce brought by Emily, Alice Matarazzo Crane of Chicopee and by Andrew Joseph Crane, both of Chicopee, each of whom charged the other with cruelty. The court continued for investigation the respectire petitions for custody of four minor children. The couple were married in this city March 31, 1937.

She alleged cruelty July 1915, and he charged June 10, 1945. Mrs. Rose Albanie Carter LeMay of this city was given an annulment of her marriage to William Henry LeMay of this city, after she told Judge Denison that she was married in Enfield, Sept. 23, 1012, and that she lived with her husband until April 10, 1913. Myron A.

Moors, a minor of this city, a member of the Army, was granted an annulment from Ann Agnew l'entiman Moors of Belfast, North Ireland on the grounds of fraud. Ig alleged that his wife held out to him that she was a chaste and pure woman before they were married Oct. 9, 1944, but that later he learned she was to have a baby at the time of marriage, and that the baby was born Feb. 25, 1914. Louis C.

Henin was his counsel. Uncontested divorces granted: Cowles, Elizabeth Sherman from Mary Bradley. Cowles, both of this city, for cruelty, wife to resume former name of Goss. Married in Elkton, Jan. 24, 1944, separated Sept.

9, 1945. Caterina Castellina Margara of this city, from Emile Antonio Margara' of Santa Cruz, for desertion, wife to have custody of two minor children. Married at Chicopce June 21, 1939, separated 1, 1945. John Edward Noonan of Chicopee, from Alice Riley Noonan of Chicopee, for cruelty, custody of one child to 1939, separated Feh. 1, 1915.

wife: or married at Chicopce, June 321, Mary Elizabeth lynes Janrahan of this city, from John Joseph lanrahan of parts unknown for desertion; married in Springfield. Junc 22, 1925, separated Aug. 1, 1336. Homer H. Cook, from Loretta White Patterson Cook, both of this city, for cruelty: married.

June e17, 1011, separated March 4, 1016. Esther May Walder Boudet of Palmer, from Delphis Roland Boudet of West Springfield, for cruelty, wife to resume maiden name; married in Ludlow. Nov. 23. 1929, separated at Westfield, Dec.

30, 1945. Francis Dowd of Holyoke from Aldina Marie Chartrand Dowd. of Holyoke, for. cruelty: married July 4, 1942, separated Dec. 15, 1913.

METAL RESEARCH PRODUCE AS Clean A polishes and brass, refrigerators, sinks. MINSTREL DANCER worth Studio JOSEPHI MASCARO. Joseph Mascaro, a sophom*ore at Cathedral High, will be A ciality dancer on the program of the Cathedral minstrels to be given in the Municipal Auditorium four evenings, April 30 to May 3. WE 1 KEEP CLEANING. VACUUM CLEANERS Overhauled.

Guaranteed to work like new. RADIOS Prompt, reliable service. Parts, labor guaranteed. SMALL 3 APPLIANCES 24-hour service on most popular makes. Irons, toasters, clocks and mixers.

WRINGER ROLLS To fit most washers (samples necessary). COLLINS ELECTRIC REPAIR SERVICE BRING IT IN -WE'LL FIX IT Radios, Cleaners, Flatirons, Lamps, Toasters, Mixers, Wringer Rolls, Vacuum Bags and Brushes. COLLINS ELECTRIC 211 WORTHINGTON ST. OPP POLIS East Longmeadow FAST LONGMEADOW, April 18- Bids for the installation of new water mains must be in the office of the Board of Water Commissioners by April 29. The new mains will be installed in Lull, Dearborn, Porter, and Allen Streets.

Adelphic Chapter, World Wide Guild of the Baptist Church, will meet this evening with Mrs. Ainslie Forbes. The Round Robin Club was entertained Wednesday at a dessert bridge at the home of Airs. Richard Empsall. Prizes, were won by Mrs.

Henry Allen and Mrs. Sadie At the meeting of Troop 11, Boy Scouts, Scoutmaster A. J. Viens announoed that $50 was cleared on the last paper drive And it was staple to contribute it to the Horace Boy Scout reservation fund. Fred Routt.

assistant scoutmaster for the 'past year, has enlisted in the Navy and the troop presented him a billfold. The post office will be open Friday morning until 10 to distribute mail. A son was born. Tuesday In Wesson Maternity Hospital to Mr. and: Mrs.

William Hersog of Springfield. Grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Roy Longueil, Are A watch morning sorvice will be held Friday at 7 at the Methodist Church under the auspices of the young peoples' group. The Hampden Road bridge club was entertained Wednesday at a dessert bridge at the home of Mrs.

Harold Dwight. Miss Gwendolyn Dawe, a teacher in Troy, arrived today to spend the Easter vacation with her parents, Rev. and Drs. Lorenzo T. Da Dawe.

The ONO club was entertained Tucsday 'the home of Drs. William. McCarthy. Prizes were won by Mrs. Arlenc Delessio: and Mrs.

Ruby. Bahlin. A communion candlelight: service will he held this evening at 7,15 at. the Congregational Church. A class of boys and girls will be confirmed and reception of new members will take place.

Music will ho rendered by the EAST LONGMEADOW Maurice Schneider, proprietor of the East Longmeadow Pharmacy, wishes to have ail persons who have cashed checks at his store since March 27 contact him.at once At to the amount and the bank drawn on. a senior union choir. service of Friday the evening Methodist at and 7.45 at the latter church. Rev. Ralph C.

Congregational Churches will be held Crandall, pastor of the Methodist Church, will preach. Hailstones five inches in diameter have been known: to fall in Illinois, Kansas. Minnesota, Missouri and Nebraska. Children's 2-Strap $249 SOSHER'S FAMILY SHOE STORE 2042 MAIN STREET providing in the sample house. His conclusions, robbed of some picturesque language relative to the Chicopee venture, are: "The Quonset hut is not highly desirable for living quarters, but it at least is fairly roomy and can he made livable with a little care and taste.

The sample home recently erected in Chicopee and widely heralded as not only 3. good temporary measure, but an excellent investment for the future, is not. roomy. "An inspection, of the three-room structure was eye-opening. When the promoter said that the home allowed for future expansion and additions, he neglected to state that the original structure could better be utilized as a doll I house for the children or as a garage.

"The entire structure offers A tiny kitchen which could hardly accommodate a cabinet sink, refrigerator, stove, let alone a washing machine: and kitchen set; a combination front room and sitting room or extra bedroom; a bathroom with shower; and a bedroom in which it would be hard to put more than a bed. "The house has only one closet, and that hardly large enough for the ordinary family of husband, wife and child." At New England's Newest Book Store BOOKS for EASTER GIFTS Latest books and standard stock of all publishers. Come see our display. Open 8 charge Account. Telephone orders given immediate attention.

Tel. 3-3186. HUNTING'S BOOK SHOP 100 CHESTNUT SPFLD, 5, MASS. SEND' GE YOUR KaVE CHILDREN TO DESTROYS VERMIN 2 SCHOOL WITH ON CHILDREN'S HEADS CLEAN HEADS! SAFE- CLEAN-EFFECTIVE SKILLS QUICKLY, HEAD VERMIN BODY -AT ALL' DRUGGISTS CAN'T KEEP GRANDMA IN HER CHAIR She's as Lively as a Youngster Now her Backache is better Many sufferers relieve nagging backache quickly, once they discover that the real cause of their trouble may be tired kidneys. The kidneys are Nature's chief way of taking the excess acids and waste out of the blood.

They help most people pass about 3 pints a day. When disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remain in your blood, it may cause nagging backache, rheumatic pains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes, passages headaches with and smarting dizziness. Frequent or scanty. and burning sometimes shows there is something wrong with your kidneys or bladder. Don't wait! Ask your druggist for Doan's Pills, a stimulant diuretic.

used successfully by millions for over 40 years. Doan's give aappy reliet and will help the 15 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisonous waste from your blood. Get Doan's Pills. WHO my clothes? -ME? Spots on Don't let spots be called to your attention remove them yourself with man CARBONA CARBONA CLEANING FLUID CLEANING Removes FLUID Greas: Spots HAS TINGE SPREAD THE WITH GULDENS COOKING MUSTARD GULDEN'S NATURAL RICH BROWN COLOR FLAVOR IN MEANS COOKING FINER MUSTAR MEATS No Other 4 Pain Reliever can match Bayer Aspirin's Record 1 -SO DON'T EXPERIMENT By experimenting you may cause yourself great harm! So read this important advice- -and follow it! Every so often, most of us get the kind of headache And also keep in mind that genuine Bayer Aspirin that is known as an ordinary headache. When we do, is the choice of millions for fast, dependable relief from nothing seems quite as important as getting the fastest ordinary headaches.

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Springfield Evening Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.