The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

SOCIAL THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, MASS: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1943 SOCIAL 15 Longmeadow Club Begins 109th Year Maternal Association Has Dessert Bridge Sixty five tables of cards were in play at the annual dessert bridge of the Longmeadow Maternal Community House yesterday when Association. held at Thad Longmeadow the organization opened Its 100th season. Mrs. Clifford F. Hunt was.

in charge of arrangements for the affair, the proceeds of which will go toward the extensive welfare work done by association throughout then year. Decorations of fall flowers foliage were used carry out the sonal theme and table prizes of orange marmalade were awarded. Members of the welfare committee who' assisted in. serving included Mrs. Russell P.

Dale, chairman. Mrs. Harry C. Beaver, Mrs. one John R.

Driscoll. Mrs. F. A. Falconer, Mrs.

Flynt golly. Mrs. Rossetter. F. J.

Maloney and Airs. Serving as officers of the club for the current year are president, Mrs. Nelson H. Foley; directresses, Mrs. Richard S.

Carroll, chairman. Mrs. L. P. Moynihan and Mrs.

C. Riley; recording secretary, Mrs. G. W. Lamb: corresponding secretary, Mrs.

William C. Giles: treasurer, Mrs. Edmund S. music chairman, Mrs. Herman Carlisle: custodian, Mrs.

Henry F. Colton: publicity, Mrs. Vernon J. Hasbrouck. A coming marriage of interest 1 to alumni of Deerfield Academy and Amherst College.

is that of Lt. Stanley Law Snow, USNR, Millington, and West Chelmsford, an alumnus of both, to Adair Manore. daughter of Col. and Mrs. ohn Walter Canada of Adanac Lodge, Memphis, Tenn.

Lt. Snow is son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Allen Snow of West Chelmsford. The will take place next month.

It. Snow also attended Harvard School of Business Administration. Announcement has heen made by Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.

Redmond of Hanover Street, West Springfield. of the. approaching marriage of their daughter, Miss Kathryn Lorraine Redmond, and Ensign Donald L. Hanna, son of Mrs. Eva Hanna of Worthen Street, West Springfield.

The were will "he van event of October sacola. where Ensign Hanna, stationed. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR REMOVED Safely, painlessly, permanently, no scars, no regrowth. Complimentary consultation. VIVA HICKSON FLECTROLYSIS SPECIALIST 1490 MAIN BLDG.

ROOM 514-TEL. 6-2153 CLUB BEGINS 109TH YEAR A dessert bridge party in the Longmeadow Community terday, marked the opening of the 100th season for the Maternal Association. Pictured at one of the tables are, right,) Mrs. George: Lamb, secretary, Mrs. Nelson Foley, Mrs.

Clifford Hunt, 3 chairman of the affair, and Mrs. Temple, treasurer. Miss Junior Weds Luther W. Smith Announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs.

Harold Junior of 'Draper Street: of the marriage of their daughter. Barbara, to Luther W. Smith, petty officer first class, son of. Mr. and Mrs.

L. M. Smith of Pascagoula, Miss. The wedding took place, 17. in San Francisco, Cal.

The 'bride chose for her wedding A frock of soldier blue crepe with matching hat. She is a graduate of High School of Commerce and' was formerly employed at the East Longmeadow plant of Pratt Whitney. Raymond Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith of Draper Street, left recently to" enter the: American School.

for the Deaf at. West Hartford. 'He was guest of honor at a farewell party'in the home of his parents Saturday A 1 FOUND REAL bargain 'I think ought to everyone have some who life works insurance, so I did a little 'shopping I certainly found a real bargain in Savings Bank Life Insurance. It's issued over-the-counter by savings banks at LOWEST: COST because of low selling expenses. They have all I regular types of policies and you save by being.

your own salesman." Come in now get the facts and rates, without ASK YOUR obligation: SAVINGS BANK SAVE WITH LOW-COST or write. Savings Bank Savings Bank Council; Life Insurance Life Insurance 80 Federal Street, Boston V. gran Hair "Surrenders Uncun Your Beauty Shop Knows Howto Hide GRAY HAIR iis New, Modern Way! eep that NaturalToking Appearance with RAP-I-DOL pes everybody know you Gray Hair because of use humiliating streaks and colorations that tell painted Then do this, bday--go to your Hairdresser tnd ask for Rap-I-Dol, the caodern, Four Star quality tint! You'll be thoroughly delighted by the gorgeous, sparkling, high-lighted color that actually matches the true tone of your hair, and keeps it natural looking with a surprisingly youthful appearance! Rap-1-Dol is At All Good Shops 1 easily cannot and off quickly applied and General Wholesale Distributors rub or affect your WM. SHAKOUR CLIFFORD, INC. 11-13 Market Stearns Springfield Remember the Springfield 3, Mass.

name: RAP-I-DOL, keeps' Distributed by RAP-1-DOL DIST. N.Y. 19, N. Y. your Gray Hair secret! (CAUTION: Use only as directed on label).

DOL A The FOUR STAR SHAMPOO BEAUTY TINT AID I Elizabeth Fernald Weds Sgt. Fellion Miss Elizabeth Morse Fernald, daughter of Mrs. Ernestine, Rulison Fernald of Litchfeld Street, became the bride of Staff Sergeant Kenneth Louis Fellion of Camp Pickett, son of Mrs, Elizabeth Fellion of Poughkeepsie. N. in A ceremony Monday in the First Congregational Church of Poughkeepsie.

Rev. Dr. Philip Allen Swartz performed -the ceremony. She was attended by Miss June Fellion of Poughkeepsie and best man was Bernard Fellion of the The bride wore. a cadet.

blue wool dress with nail stud trimming, a matching hat and a corsage of orchids and white roses. Miss Fellion was costumed in rust and aqua wool with corsage of rose buds. Mrs. Fernald wore: a grey crepe dress with black and red accessories and shoulder bouquet of gardenias and red roses, while the bridegroom's mother chose a beige quit, brown hat and shoes, and corsage. 'of sweetheart roses.

Mr. and. Mrs. Fellion departed on a. wedding trip to New York, the bride traveling in a tan and rust tweed suit with brown' accessories.

The bridegroom will return to Camp Pickett and the bride will. return to Springfeld. Mrs. Fellion was born in Pittsfield and' is a graduate of Technical High School. She ia employed by the Indian- Motocycle Company.

The bridegroom was born in Malone, and- educated win the schools there. He returned recently. after two years of army service tin' Iceland. Mr. and Mrs.

Norman Mirkin of Fort Pleasant Avenue, announce the birth' of a son, born Sept. 20 in Wesson a Maternity Hospital. The child is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wiener of Leyfred Terrace and of Mr.

and Mrs. Benjamin Mirkin of Maryland Street. The Afternoon Guild of South: Congregational Church will have its annual dessert bridge at the Young Women's Christian Association building, Howard Street, Friday afternoon. Oct. 15, at 1: o'clock.

Mrs. Albert D. Shaw is again serving as president and Mrs. Albert Ghoreyeb is chairman of the party. Mrs.

L. Jackson Smith will serve. as. co chairman and Mrs. George W.

Hayes will be in charge of luncheon arrangements. Mrs. Horace Quimby heads the ticket committee, with Mrs. Walter Mosher as her, cochairman. Mrs.

William Petig of Sherman Street, was hostess Monday at: a personal shower complimenting Mrs. Lewis Dilks, of Glenwood Boulevard. Twenty guests Misses Ann Petig and Shirley Brook served AM hostesses and were assisted by Mrs. M. Gray, Mrs.

Joseph Kelley and Mrs. Esther Johnson in preparation of' a buffet luncheon. large decorated bride's cake was the' tabie conterpeice and yellow and white decorations were used. Mrs. Dilks, before her marriage last Saturday, was Miss Flora Jane Babbitt, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Leon Babbitt of Glenwood Boulevard. Her husband is a private, first class, 'stationed at Westover Field. Mrs. Edward Pennington Clark announces the marriage of her Marguerite, and.

Ensign John Calhoun, United: States Naval Reserve, Friday, Sept. 24, at Kennehunkport, Me. The bride, was attended her sister, Miss: Hazel Clark, director off music: at Classical High School, is a member of the faculty. of the "Ethel Walker School In Simshury, Mr. Calhoun, son.

of Mr. Mrs. John W. Calhoun of Ashmont Street, recently has been graduated from the midshipmen's school at. Notre Dame University, with the rank.

of ensign. 4 Jacqueline l'inney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo. R.

Pinney. of Edgewood Avenue, Longmeadow, returned sto Connecticut College for Women last on week. Miss l'inney. attended the Interfraternity dance at Massachusetts Institute of' 'Technology, Friday, as the guest of Henry Moore of Arlington: CUSTOM MADE SLIP COVERS REUPHOLSTERING DRAPERIES OF DISTINCTION FOR THE BETTER HOMES STEARNS offers the fabrics that give dramatic interest to your many of them correlated for limitless combinations and striking effects. i.

Perfectly to fitted your and furniture. smartly A Call fine selection decorates whe tailored fabrics. 5 of exclusive STEARNS 3-7816 suggestions. samples COR. MAIN WORTHINGTON No Need For Her In Industry As Long As Strikes Can Be Called, Says Homemaker 3 Hello Mom, are you still there? 'But perhaps you weren't visited: by a home and go-into-industry advocate this past.

week. A friend of mine was waiting for just such a caller with fire in her eve, "Just let anyone ask me if I want a job I'll tell them have a job, and the most important one in our country today. My family is my job, and I'm sticking to it. I do and have always done my own washing, baking and sewing. I know where my children are and what they are doing.

The meals I serve are simple and nutritious, carefully planned and no thrown-onthe -fire at the last minute affairs. I am every three months contributor to the Red Cross' blood bank, roll bandages, take an active interest in civic affairs and P.TA work, vet 1 am to be questioned as to my patriotism!" 1 "Of course." she continued, still going hot and strong, "there are women with no children or those grown who can go into outside work. They should need no encouragement. But to dangle high wages and cite. patriotism to a woman overburdened with housework and home problems is.

criminal." "If the need for woman power is so desperate, why not cut out every possible method of' luxury living Arst? We don't really need our bread delivered to our back- door or our davenports reupholstered or the lovely new plastic jewelry. We need these things for. our morale? We need Mom at home -for our morale! Nothing can shake our. living to its core comparable to the breaking up of a home." "As long as strikes are still called and picket lines formed, we cannot be impressed with the necessity 'of leav. ing our homes." Every night around supper time we start anxiously watching the thermometer, and it conditions warrant, the family I rush out and spread old sheets and newspapers over our still laden tomato plants.

Consequently still have our plants, but enthusiasm for our nearly nightly jaunts is waning. The opinion seems to be let's pick 'em and get it over with." So I am making green tomato mincemeat. My family like it- just RE well as the McCoy and really can't tell the difference. It takes no meat and you don't have to use suet. Mine is being made with margarine.

This recipe. is one of Mrs. C. P. Adams' who has long been active in Hampden Red Cross Calendar WEDNESDAY Home Jottings County Improvement League work.

Four quarts green. tomatoes, chop tine. (I cold use water the food and. rook chopper) hour; cover drain and add two pounds sugar, one round raisins, half chopped fine, the rest whole, one cup suet or butter (as I said I use margarine) cup vinegar. one tablespoon salt.

Cook until thick, add one tablespoon each of cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. hot into jars process 20 minutes. Some women dispense with processing and come. out fine! This winter when, you are ready' to use it, a few crackers crumpled up--it helps bring out the flavor. What good old American ingenuity won't think of next! A recent trip through the downtown stores, a gala event these busy days, resulted in several new and interesting "finds." One was artificial cinnamon from powdered pecan shells! Another.

baked beans in bulk at a five and ten cent store; very good they looked too. nicely browned with lots of pork: an oil cloth covering, all ready assembled, for the inside of a bushel basket such As apples- -come in, to use as a clothes basket. This seemed quite an idea. as I still use the remnant of my original clothes basket which served also as the first baby's bassinet. Then there are the various substitutes for the prewar y.

"chore boys" (how I miss Among them are solid cubes of what looks like matted straw. pieces of: sponge with a. chemical smeared on that gives it the appear. ance of burnt toast, and what to me is the most satisfactory, the plastic This like coarse blond hair and really gets to work on stuck pans. It washes out easily and doesn't get odorous, but a stray strand can separated from the main hunch and doesn't look too appetizing found clinging to A dish.

A friend found three "chore-boys" on opening her camp this summer. I made wistful (tinged with wishful) comment on her: good but to no avail! 1. 4 My neighbor's little girl. who helps fill that empty feeling. that is left when all my children are away or in school, was watching.

me pour out some evaporated milk. "Milk is made out of. white flowers, isn't it?" queried. Can't you just see it, the blue sky overhead, the soft summer breezes, and Bossy knee deep in white daisies: Helen P. Duncan To Become Bride Mr.

of Orange proaching, Helen na, son no of will be Name Mrs. her sister Misses Kingebury, Wood Pvt. groom as Miss' of Commerce Telephone graduated and Syracuse by Perking pany. The manuel afternoon Mrs. Street.

Mrs. Street Miffitt, iting her who is Chairman St. Germain Photo MISS BEATRICE PERRY Chairman of the group of hostesses who will serve at gatherings of the Springfield District Women's Republican Club, during the fall and winter The group will assist the first time at the candidates' hearing to be held in the Hotel Kimball Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs.

M. Harvey. of Linden Street have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Theresa. M. Harvey, to Pfc.

Andrew Manini, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Manini of Walnut Street, Mr.

Manini is stationed at Camp Meade, Md. Miss Harvey is employed as a cashier at Growers Outlet. Federation Meeting in Boston Springfield Women Included Among Speakers The Massachusetts State Federa: tion. of Women's Clubs will feature a club institute at its meeting Oct. 6 at the Old South a Parish House, Boston, with Mrs.

Robert M. Hill presiding. This opening meeting will Chairmens' Day. Mrs. Herbert F.

French, president of the federation, will officially open the season and invocation will be offered by Dr. Russell H. Stafford, pastor of the church. The first of. a series of lessons in parliamentary procedure will be given by Mrs.

Joseph E. Davison, who will speak on "Order of business." "Third war loan" will be the subject of a talk by Mrs. Edgar Tregoning and Mrs. John A. Jennings will heard on the topic of "War relief week." Mrs.

A. Chesley York, 3d, vice-presi dent, will address. the gathering as editor of Topics, "publication of the federation. A talk on, "How to: raise money" by. Mrs.

Robert. Johnson will also be a feature of the ing. The various chairmen of the federation will outline departmental plans and give suggestions to clubwomen for co-ordinating the work of local clubs with the federation. Other speakers. at the meeting in Boston next week include Mrs.

Elliott R. Scudder of Palmer, and Mrs. Charles R. Ross, Mrs. William H.

Hanson and Mrs. Edward J. Hickox, all of Springfield. Mr. and Mrs.

E. A. Collier of Pine Street will mark the occasion of their 58th wedding anniversary Friday. No formal observance of the day will be held. The Woman's Auxiliary of Grace Baptist Church will have its first meeting of the year in the parish house.

at 2 o'clock Thursday. Miss Eleanor Hance will be guest speaker and her subject will be "Child evangelism." Miss Hance has just fin. ished an evangelistic course of four years at Wheaton College. Mothers of the Sunday School children are Tea will be served following the meeting. Mrs.

Catherine will have charge of the devotional serviceand Mrs. Charles Rigale of 93 Forest Park Avenue announce the birth of a son last Saturday in Wesson Maternity Hosnital. 3. Sherried. Veal a la King POINT- THRIFTY RECIPE 1 cup sliced mushrooms and 4 tbsps.

chopped green pepper 5 min. in 4 tbsps. margarine or butter, Stir in 4 tbsps. flour. Add 2 cups milk (or milk and veal stock) and cook, stirring, until thickened.

Season well. Add 2 cups cubed cooked veal, 2 tbsps. chopped pimiento and cup Sherry wine. Heat; serve on toast or crisp waffles. Serves 6.

Ever serve succulent veal with a creamy white sauce blessed by a touch of Sherry wine? It's marvelous! And before dinner, it's nice to serve small glasses of the same nutlike California Sherry. Why don't you try this pleasant combination soon? Wine Advisory Board, San Francisco, Before all else Enjoy WINE BUY BONDS in and with wartime dishes Mrs. Edith McIntire of Hanco*ck. Street, announces. the engagement of her daughter, Miss Edith Phyllis Priscilia.

Mcintire of Worcester. to Waltor Raymond son of Mr. and Mrs. Decoteau of chaug. The wedding will take place in January.

SEE NEW ROYAL RECIPE BELOW PROTECT RATIONED, ROYAL INGREDIENTS TARTAR' BAKING POWDER, They'll love when you serve CANDIED: NUT CAKE! But, of course! Bake it with reliable, cream of tartar ROYAL! Its sure, "steady action" helps to give fluffy, tender biscuits, and cakes that are light, fine-textured, fresh keeping. Help tect your scarce rationed ingredients. When baking at home, always use ROYAL cream of tartar BAKING POWDER. Insist on it! 5 03 2 cups sited', cup margarine cake flour cup sugar teaspoons Royal 1 egg, well beaten Cream of Tartar teaspoon Baking Powder vanilla extract teaspoon salt cup milk Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Cream margarine thoroughly; add sugar gradually, beating in well.

Add beaten egg and vanilla; beat until well blended. Add dry ingredients nately with milk; mix well. Pour into well-greased 8-inch square pan. Bake in moderate oven at F. about 50 minutes.

Cover top with Candied Nut Topping. Return to oven: bake about 5 minutes, until topping bubbles. Cut in squares to serve. CANDIED NUT TOPPING: Cream 3 tablespoons margarine. Combine with 6 tablespoons brown sugar; add cup chopped nuts; mix well.

Makes 1 cight-inch cake. ABOUT ONLY MORE A CAKE FOR OF TARTAR ROYAL ROYAL PROTECTION ROYAL IS RELIABLE If your Job out 4 3' i tires you Energy Food- You May Not Be Eating Every Day Can Enough 4. Extra Slices Of Bread 4. A Few Of Your Total Energy Supply Up To Get Your Extra Energy From Wonder Bread Because It Contains More Than Enough Vitamin For Its Own Con-. version Into Energy For You! In these days of rationing are you doing more work than before without eating enough more energy food for the extra energy you want? One survey of aircraft workers showed failed to get the energy requirements set by the National Research Council's Food and Nutrition Board.

To get more energy eat more bread. Because bread can supply up to of your energy. Vitamin Key That Unlocks Bread's Energy Eat a few extra slices of bread containing Vitamin every day. Because science finds the human body cannot transform bread into ergy properly without its help. Before, people could obtain enough Vitamin by eating plenty of meat, liver and.

certain other foods. Today, how. ever, you may not be getting enough Vitamin B1. Thus, you are urged to buy and eat Wonder Bread. Because it does contain more than enough VitaSo min to help the human body convert it into energy properly.

You'll' rave about the flavor of Wonder Bread, too. Because it is doubly fresh -fresh when you buy it and fresh when you eat it. Vitamins WONDER BREAD ITS DOUBLY GOOD! FRESH WHEN YOU BUY IT- FRESH WHEN YOU EAT IT with ENRICHED Minerals and Mrs. Arthur. Duncan Street: announce the apmarriage of their daughPearl, to Silvano A.

Manof Mr. and Mrs. Egidio ManNorman Street. The wedding An event of Oct: 16 at Holy Church at 9 o'clock. Harold A.

Phillips will. attend Lillian B. Fore a and Marion as matron of 'honor and will act flower: girl will ha, bridesmaids. Aris Patrick Pio will serve the bridebest Duncan attended: High School and is employed by the Company. Mr.

Manna. was from Technical High School Williston Academy and attended University. He is employed Machine and Gear Com- Grand Street group of EmChurch will. meet Thursday at 2 o'clock in the home of Stanley K. Dimock of 11 Ozark Clifford -Lemieux of Washburn and daughter.

Mrs. Charles have returned home after vis: son, Put. Donald Lemieux, stationed at Belvoir, SE: 7. -Only Makes this WONDER 5 The numerous 'analyses we have representative loaves of Bread show in every case a tent equal to or in excess of requirement of Vitamin as for bread by the Federal Food Administration. 3- We will pay $1,000 to any organization named by the United States first to disprove statement prior to December 31, "The Babes of $1,000 GUARANTEE Enriched WONDER House, (left to president, Edmund S.

of 1 8 Sewing distribution, 10 a. m. to' 4 p. garment production, inspection sewing committees, 10 a. m.

to 4 p. garment tion auxiliary unit, sewing distribution, Women's Republican Club, 1653 Main Street, open to the public, 10 A. m. 1o.4 4 -p. auxiliary sewing, Church, 10 a.

m. to 3. p. open to the public; East Springfield branch, Community House, sew. ing distribution, 9' a.

to 5 p. open to the public; sewing auxiliary, Beth El Temple, 10 a. m. to.4 p. volunteer nurses' aides, Wesson Memorial, Springfield and Mercy Hospitals, 4.30 surgical dressings, LongHouse, meadow.

10 a.m. Branch Community to Surgical dressings auxiliary unit, Catholic Women's Club, Bowdoin open to public, 1 to 4 p. to 10 p. Canteen Service, Union Station, 9 to 12 p. Mobile Canteen, 8.30 to 11.30 p.

surgical dressings, St. Barnabas Church unit, 10 a.m. to 4 p. Faith. Church unit, 10.30 to 2.30 p.

sewing, Hope Church, 10 a. m. to 3 League of Hard of Hearing, mount 10 a. m. to 2 p.

sewing, Greek Memorial Church. Memorial Square, 1 to p.m.; 3 to 5 p. Chapter House, 2 to p. Canteen Corps, Springfield Hospital, 9 a. m.

to 1 p. Nurse Recruiting, Chapter House; Motor Corps, Westover Field, 8 a. m. to 5 p. 6-8 p.

sewing, First Church. Court Square 10 a. m. to 4: p. Washington Street School, 10 a.

m. to 4 p. First Baptist Church, 10. a. m.

to 4 Park Memorial Baptist Church, 10 A. Surgical Dressings, Springfield: Ordnance, 5.30 to 7.30 p. m. Hospital Recreation Corps, Springfield Hospital, 9 a. p.

Wesson Memorial Hospital, 9. a. noon, 1-5 p. Home Nursing, Chapter House, 7.30-9.30 p. Classical High School, Trinity Church, 7.30- 9.30 p.

sewing, Park Memorial Baptist Church, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Mr.

and Mrs. Fay V. Swartz of Webster Avenue, announce the gagement of their daughter, Frances Flizabeth to Alfonse: Guilipo, United States Marine Corps, son of Mr. and Mrs. Candido.

Guilipo of North Elm Street, Westfield. The wedding will take place: Oct. a 16 in the Episcopal Church the Good Shepherd, West Springfield. QUICK and serve. Try the easy recipes given on the My T-Fine package.

EASY MAKE BUTTERSCOTCH PUDDING FINE FL AVOR U' DE RI EASY For a delicious. butRECIPE: mix terscotch the contents pudding, of one package of My-T-Fine Butterscotch Dessert with 2 cups of milk. Cook over low flame, stirring constantly until pudding thickens. Chill 4 OTHER DELICIOUS MY-T-FINE DESSERTS CHOCOLATE NUT LEMON PIE FILLING P. 2 BREAD Guarantee made of Wonder: Vitamin con- the minimum recommended and Drug A charitable citizen of the the above 1943.

Wonder 2 For Wonder Bread is made the famous slobaked way. Baked longer than many ordinary kinds for lasting freshness. Then, too, Wonder Bread is made with the famous Earle Patented Process Flour the discovery which brings more. natural food value and more natural vitamins. Wonder Bread's natural color shows you the difference.

Get Wonder Bread from your grocer. Do this today- -you'll be glad you did. J. Continental Baking Inc. PLENTY OF ENERGY- READY FOR PLENTY OF ENERGY- READY FOR 6: 44 A P.

4 4.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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