The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

1 SOCIAL THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD; WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1945 SOCIAL Sirs. Justus C. Sanburn, president of College Club Springfield, will entertain a the committee chairmen and subol.airmen of the club at tea this afternoon in her home in Oxford Road, Longmeadow. Members of the board will assist the hostess in serving. Those who will pour are Mrs.

R. W. Bodfish, Mrs. I'. V.

Hembdt, Miss Helen Lynch and Mrs. Henry W. Stiness. Elks to Entertain At House Parties Sanborn to Be Tea Hostess A series of informal house parties will be inaugurated Wednesday evening Oct. 3 at 8.15 in the Elks clubhouse.

State Street. "Dancing and entertainment will be provided. Tort Sundquist and his orchestra will play for dancing. Michael Coyne. chairman of the will he assisted by John M.

Kennedy. John Keane. James McCormack, W. J. Dolan.

M. shey and Anthony Gaeliarducci. Tickets may he obtained from members of the committee. RUGS CLEANED AVERAGE 1 WEEK Expert Repairing Insured Storage PHONE 4-5553 CASCADE RUG CLEANERS IT'S POOLE'S FOR HOSIERY beautiful STOCKINGS Nu-Maid "Dancette." Full fashioned 45 gauge sheer and clear. In the new Atom Beige shade.

Cotton reinforced foot. Sizes to S1.01 pair Nu-Maid Outsize full fashioned. Pliable cotton top. Beautifully constructed foot for fit and comfort. Magic Beige shade.

Sizes to 11. $1.22 pair Leave For Lincoln, Ind. Lida Paquettc to Wed Robert Lodi About 100 friends and relatives of Chief Warrant Officer and Mrs. Lyle W. Marschand, greeted the couple at open house held Sunday in the home of Mrs.

Marschand's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aloi of Fenimore Boulevard. The Marschands left yesterday for Lincoln, where they will visit Mr. Marschand's parents.

The warrant officer recently returned from Europe where he served for three years with the American Fifth Army in Africa and Italy. He expects to receive his were Mrs. Charles Adams, Miss discharge soon. Assisting the hostess in serving Laura Bianchi and Miss Diana Vancini. Fall flowers were ANises in decoration throughout the home.

Guests were present from Westerley, R. I. West Hartford, Warehouse Point, Turners Falls, Greenfield, Northfield and Suffield. Mr. and Mrs.

aquette of Craftsbury, announce the engage. ment of their daughter, Lida Emma. to Sgt. Robert R. Lodi, son of Mrs.

Delia Lodi of Allen Street. West Springfield, and the late Joseph Lodi. Miss l'aquette is a graduate of Craftsbury Academy, and Bay Path Institute. She is employed as secretary by Brink's, Inc. Sgt.

Lodi recently returned on the Queen Mary after 19 months in the FrO as a member of the 30th Infantry Division which traveled with the First and Ninth Armies. He wears five battle stars for engagements in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany, the ETO ribbon and unit citation. SUPERB QUALITY Permanents $7.50 Up Cold Wares Feather Cut Expert Call Mr. Max. Tel.

7-0126 IT'S POOLE'S FOR YARN Crochet Your Own Bag With Cordet Free Instructions Every Afternoon Mrs. Helen Nimmo, Instructor Imagine it! You can make a bag or hat in any one of a score of styles with either cordet or petit guimp. We'll help you to crochet the bag of lifetime! Black, Red, Navy, White, Mexicana, Brown and pastel. One spool will make a bag. $3.98 a spool NEW ACCESSORIES Bag Linings, Black, Brown, Navy, Fan and other styles with zipper and zipper pockets.

to $3.98 New Zipper Pulls 59c to $1.00 Bag $1 to $2 Pair INCLUDE PARCEL POSTAGE With MAIL ORDERS We Give Green Stamps We Give Green Stamps Like Magic LUSTRE BY LACO It works like magic! LACO is the quick and easy way to keep your hair clean, lustrous, beautiful. LACO cleanses thoroughly, lathers speedily, rinses out easily and leaves no soap film. It's mild! LACO genuine liquid Castile Shampoo is gentle- -because it is an ingenious blend of rich, pure imported olive oil, coconut oil, and castor oil. It contains no alcohol, acids or harmful free alkali. Enjoy the delicate fragrance of LACO today! LACO LA CO GENUINE CASTILE SOAP SHAMPOO 5 oz.

bottle 12 oz. bottle 59c New Economy Size Footer We Give Green Stamps 1 CHIEF WARRANT OFFICER AND MRS. LYLE W. MARSCHAND Are shown at the home of Mrs. Marschand's brother-in-law: and I sister, Mr.

and Mrs. Thomas Aloi of Fenimore Boulevard, where open house just returned home three of overseas duty with the Ameriwas held in their honor. Sunday afternoon. Warrant Officer Marschand can 5th Army in Africa and Italy. He wears the Purple Heart with one cluster and five battle stars on his ETO ribbon.

The couple left for Lincoln, yesterday where they will visit Warrant Officer Marschand's parents. Wedding Is Planned Gordon LA Maynard, aviation ordnance man second class, U. S. Navy, of Dickinson Street, who has served aboard a carrier in the Pacific for two years and a half, participating in 68 war activities from Island to Tokyo Bay, will arrive home about Oct. 21, to take as his bride, Miss HAILS Do you suffer.

from MONTHLY NERVOUS TENSION with its weak, tired feelings? It functional perlodic disturbances make you feel nervous, tired, restlessat such times--try this great medicine -Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Taken regularly--it helps build up resistance against such distress. Also grand stomachic tonic. Follow labeldirections.

VEGETABLE Lydia E. Pinkhams COMPOUND SPICY FRUITY EASY TO MAKE! County Fair Cookies 1 package Borden's Prepared Pyco Fruit Fill 2 cups sifted four teaspoon salt teaspoon soda cup shortening 1 cup 2 eggs, well beaten cup water BREAK PYCO into small pieces. Sift four. Measure. Add salt and soda; sift again.

Cream shortening. Add sugar gradually, beating until fluffy. Add eggs; beat until smooth, Add flour gradually, mixing well. Add water and Pyco. Mix well.

Drop by teaspoonfuls on greased baking sheet. Bake in hot oven 12 to 15 minutes. Makes about 48. you're short of sugar, cup sugar and cup dark corn syrup may be used. Omit water.

BORDEN'S PYCO is the real secret of these delicious cookies. It's blend of zesty spices and rich fruits, derived from an 1887 recipe. Ready to use! Less work for foul Get a package of Borden's Pyco at Four grocer's today! Flirtation 2.98 A stunning little felt hat with bow and veil but so very provocatively attractive that we call it Try it on and see you think it well named. Fooles We Give Green Stamps Club to Open Season With Federation Day Program THOMSPSONVILLE, Sept. 25-With Mrs.

Elliott I. D'etergen of Greenwich, president of the Connecticut State Federation of Women's Clubs, and Mrs. James Laughlin, Hartford county vice-president of the State Federation as guests of honor, the Woman's Club of Enfield will open its new club year Wednesday, Oct. 3, with a luncheon in observance of Federation Day at the Mountain Laurel. The luncheon at 1.15 will be in charge of the hospitality committee, of which Mrs.

Philip J. Sullivan is chairman. Drs. Petersen, until recently of Thompsonville, has retained her membership in the Enfield Club, of which she is a former president. It.

Gov. Snow to Speak Well-known speakers and enterLt. Gov. Wilbert Snow, poet and fore the club during the coming year. tainers have been listed to appear beteacher, of the staff of Wesleyan University, Middletown, will be presented at a joint meeting with the Suffield Woman's Club at the chapel of First literature com committee.

It. Gov. Snow P'resbyterian Church Oct. 17 by the will give original readings in a talk on "Modern American P'oetry." A tea will follow. The current events committee is in charge ofhthe program for Tuesday, Nov.

6. will be a joint meeting with Penelope Terry Abbey Chapter, at which Miss Eunice H. Avery, Springfield, will speak. The meeting will he at the parish house of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church.

"My Winter's Bookshelf" will be the Alphonse Bogush Weds Miss lams The First Congregational Church of Newington, was the scene of an early fall wedding on Sept. 22d when Miss Helen V. Iams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen A.

lams of Sycamore, became the bride of C. Rogush, son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bogush of Springfield.

The ceremony was solemnized at four o'clock with the Rev. Harold C. Burdon officiating, using the double ring ceremony. The bride, who was given in marriage by Dr. Nicholas A.

Glaskowsky of Westfield, wore a powder blue suit with black accessories and a corsage of white orchids. Miss Carolyn Glaskowsky, the maid of honor, wore a deep purple suit with black accessories and a corsage of gardenias, Sgt. John Bogush, USMCR, was his brother's best man. The altar was decorated with yellow and white chrysanthemums and white candles. Immediately after ceremony, a reception was held at the home of Mrs.

Carl Lansing-Jones of Newington. The bride is a graduate of Waynesburg College, and attended the sylvania State College. She is employed AS an engineering aide at Hamilton Standard a Propeller. The bridegroom received his education in Springfied and is a test engineer for the Hamilton Standard Propeller Division. Mr.

And Mrs. Robert Baer of Burlingame, formerly of Hartford, announce the birth of a son, Geoffrey Baer, Sept. 13. in Burlingame. The child is a grandson of Frederick Baer, well -known concert singer and Mrs.

Baer of New York. The family has many friends in Springfield. Women's Jumper 4685 34.45 By Anne Adams You'll love these slim lines! A jumper dress so trim, to be worn with many blouses, making smart and clever changes. Pattern 1685 is 80 easy that it's A pleasure to make. Pattern 4685 comes in sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46.

Size 36, jumper, yds. blouse yds. Send TWENTY cents in coins for this pattern to The Springfield Union, 163. Pattern P. 0.

Box 111, Sta- tion 0, New York 11, N. Y. Print plainly SIZE AND STYLE NUMBER, YOUR NAME. ADDRESS, ZONE. JUST OUT--The new Anne Adams Pattern Book for Fall and Winter! Fifteen cents more brings you there smart styles for the whole family! Book includes printed Instructions for making EIGHT asscessories: hats, 3 bags, peplum, hedjacket.

FACTS ON PIN CURL PERMANENT WAVING Demonstration and Lecture by JOHN ZERBO JACK MORETTA GEORGE BARRIE Wednesday, Sept. 26, 8:00 P. M. R. G.

SHAKOUR, INC. 11-13 STEARNS SQUARE For Hairdressers Only ENDS METAL IN BACK -END THE CAN WORRIES! CLEANING Wyandotte The modern household cleanser works with SPEED and SAFETY to make kitchenware, SAFER bright and walls, bathrooms! QUICKER subject for A book review hy Mrs. Sidney R. Hungerford, Longmeadow, under sponsorship of the literature committee at the home of Mrs. Henry J.

Landry, Enfield Street, Nov. 28. The annual musicale will be conducted Dec. 12, with Mrs. C.

RockMrs. Bridge, Stow, Fairlawn Avenue, well ax hostess at the home of Hazardville. The mid year business meeting and tea will be Jan. 16 at the home of Mrs. George S.

I'helps, Enfield Street, with Miss Vera H. MacCracken. executive director of the Hartford County YWCA AS speaker. Community Service The meeting Feb. 6 at the home of Mrs.

George H. Cunningham, Enfield Street, will be in charze of the community service committee, and on Feb. 02, at a meeting at the auditorium of Hazardville Grammar School, the education committee will present William R. Peck, superintendent of schools in Holyoke, in talk on "The Contribution of the Teacher." John C. Ranney of Smith College, will he presented by the current events committee at A meeting in American legion Hall, March 13.

For the meeting' March 27, in charge of the garden and arts committee, an illustrated lecture on "Modern Art Detective" will be given by Frederick B. Robinson, director of the Museum of Fine Arts, Springfield, at the Brainard School auditorium. on "Astounding Australia." illustrated with moving pictures, will presented by Mrs. John C. Walker.

Waterbury, under direction of the literature committee, at the meeting in First Presbyterian Chapel April 10. and for the meeting April 24 at the home of Mrs. John Fuge. Enfield Street, the current events committee will have Miss Emily Louise Plumley, Stamford. A former president of the State Federation.

The club year will be brought to A close May 1 with the annual meeting and luncheon. Club Officers Mrs. Samuel J. Magill is serving her second year as president of the club, the new vice-president of which 1s Mrs. Harold G.

Neelans. Other officers Are: recording secretary, Drs. John S. Gordon, Hazardville; corresponding secretary. Mrs.

Willard H. Furey; treasurer. Mrs. Walter Olsen: auditor, Mrs. Allyn J.

Woodworth. Directors for one vear are Mrs. Robcrt K. Houghton, Mrs. Karl D.

Lee and Mrs. John J. Huge, and for two years. Mrs. Matthew F.

Loggett. Mrs. Olin F. Woodward and Mrs. Melvin R.

Morris. Personal It's pleasure to have clear and smooth complexion, free from unsightly and ugly hair. Remove it forever from face, arms and legs by multiple needle method. It's absolutely painless, no regrowth. No shock, faster method, no scarring.

Also Eyebrows Arched Don't hesitate, come in and see ALICE CHAPUT ELECTROLYSIS SALON Graduate of Hoffman's Institute, N. Y. 196 Worthington St. Rm. 229, Worthington Bldg.

Main St. Entrance Tel. 7-4942 Res. Tel. 3-5611 Evening Appointments Also Author, GYPSY ROSE "I would no Stage more and Screen LEE think of Star says: day without using Arrid, starting the would think of than without combing going out Arrid is a necessity for my well- hair.

groomed men and women." New Cream Deodorant Safely helps Stop Perspiration 1. Does not irritate skin. Does not rot dresses or men's shirts. 2. Prevents under-arm odor.

Helps stop perspiration safely. 3. A pure, white, antiseptic, stainless vanishing cream. 4. No waiting to dry.

Can be used right after shaving. 5. Awarded Approval Seal of American Institute of Laundering harmless to fabric. Use Arrid regularly. 394 and 594 plat tat MORE MEN AND WOMEN USE ARRID THAN ANY OTHER DEODORANT Guests At Reception, Tea The Captain Leonard House in Agawam was scene of A reception and tea given Tuesday afternoon by the faculty of Chestnut Street School in honor of Mr.

and Mrs. Carroll Robinson whose wedding at New Harbor, was an event of the summer. Mrs. Robinson is the former Rebecca Flagg of Longmeadow. Mr.

and Mrs. Robinson were assisted in receiving by Miss Elsie Willard and William McLaren of the school staff. Miss Ethel Coleman was chairman of the committee for the recention, assisted by Miss Helen Steele. Jirs. Margaret Chadwick and Miss Mildred Moore.

Miss Mary Flaherty was in charge of decorations. Serving at the tea were Miss Elizabeth Dame, Miss Maybelle James, Miss Marguerite Flaherty, Miss Margaret Kelley, Miss Margaret Hayes. Miss Phyllis Hous. ton, Miss Claire Chase and Miss Grace Wray. Open House will he held i in the redecorated parsonage of Park Congregational Church, at 114 Harvard to Street 3.

Rev. today and from 3 Mrs. to 5 and from Herbert Deck will he assisted by members of the board of trustees and their wives. They will he Miss Cora Pratt, Mr. and Mrs.

Stanley Brown, Mr. and win Mrs. Leo Anderson, Hackett, Mr. Mr. and Mrs.

F4- and Mrs. Ernest Dusault, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Small, and Mr. and Mrs.

Francis Blodgett. Members and friends of the church are invited to attend. Capt. M. F.

Colwell, Army Alr Forces, is visiting friends in West Springfield. this reek, and is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. William Nowak of Amostown Road. Capt.

Colwell served for two years overseas as a navigator. A series of card parties, dances and other entertainments to be conducted weekly during the fall and winter season by the VFW Auxiliary will begin Thursday evening. The events will be for, the benefit of Leeds pital. NEEDLEWORK For the reader desiring the address of a needlecraft magazine, Mrs, L. K.

Minnesota, writes: I'm sure the needlework lover would like Aunt Ellen's WORKBASKET. This monthly pattern and direction service brings the latest creations in handcraft and needlework from the country's foremost artists and designers. It is $1.00 a year for twelve issues, but no samples are sent because issue contains large hot iron transfer patterns as well as ideas for such items as doilies, edgTings, bedspreads, tablecloths, hats, bags, and baby's things. Orders should be sent to the WORKBASKET, 492 Westport Station, Kansas City 2, Mo." If you are not delightfully pleased with the first issue, Aunt Ellen will return your dollar and you may keep the matcrial you have received without any Du Barry Pauline Rousseau of Chiconce. The engagement has been announced by Miss Rousseau's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Leon Rousseau of Center Street, Chicopee. Mr. Maynard is the son of Mr. and Mrs.

Claude F. Maynard. The couple will be married Oct. 27 in the Church of the Assumption, Chicopee. Miss Rousseau, a graduate of Chicopee High School and the Bassett Comptometer Business School, Hartford, is employed in the pay roll department of the American Bosch Corporation.

Her fiance, a graduate of Technical High School, had been employed with the Esso Company and by J. Stevens Arms Company prior to entering the Navy. He has served for three years with the famed Third Fleet, aboard. the USS Essex, which has taken part in practically all major campaigns in the Pacific. The Essex arrived in Seattle, on Sept.

1 13. Budget Menus Hampden County Improvement League Molly M. Higgins Associate Home Demonstration Agent BREAKFAST-Sliced hananas, oatcream, whole wheat toast, marmalade, milk or coffee. LUNCHEON Vegetable soup, egg salad sandwiches, turnip and green pepper sticks, fresh fruit, wafers, milk. DINNER-Ham and spinach souffle, baked Des Moines tomato wedges.

lettuce. Russian dressing, gingerbread, lemon sauce, or coffee. BAKED DES MOINES -Remove tops. Take out seeds. Brush inside and nut with melted butter, sprinkle inside with salt, and replace tops.

Bake 1 hour or until tender in moderate oven-350 degrees F-season with salt, pepper, butter. and if desired teaspoon sugar. Serve in the shell, one squash to a person. FOR A. LOVELY, LASTING PERMANENT Call LEO: Dial, 3-5850 PERMANENTS.


3.1171 We Call and Deliver SCOTT LAUNDRY the face powder that agrees with your skin. Fashion-right shades to give you that "who-is-she?" look $1 by Richard New York Harmonizing DuBarry each. tall prices plus tax) HURRY! 1945. offer expires SAVE any brand of COFFEE 1 large puckage 6 on 11b. of when you buy Wheatena the "DIFFERENT "hot cereal! Last chance to get in on this big Wheatena "getacquainted" offer! Save on your favorite brand of coffee and give your family a welcome change for breakfast, too.

Just buy a large box of Wheatena and your grocer will accept the box-top as payment toward a pound of any coffee you choose! grocer now! out! See your Don't miss WANT VITAMIN MILK! This young man knows his milk -and ha loves that creamier flavor of Scaltest Vitamin "D' hom*ogenized Milk. It's our nutritionallyimproted milk- -with extra Vitamin in every quart and with cream in every drop. It has definite advantages for every member of your family: YOUCAN IS DEPEND ON Quality. Sealtest VITAMIN 'D' hom*oGENIZED MILK GENERAL ICE CREAM CORPORATION Division of National Dairy Products Corporation Join the fun in the Sealtest Village Store, starring Jack Haley, Thursdays, 9.30 P. M.WBZA bright and A.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.