The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

0. 4 THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1941 WOMEN'S AFFAIRS CLUB ACTIVITIES SOCIETY NOTES Luncheon in Amherst Is Feature of Final Day of Mme. Casgrain's Stay Here Pleasant Informality permitting personal exchange of opinions on every subjert from war to fashions marked the luncheon yesterday after. noon which featured the Anal day of the Mme. visit to Western Massachusetts Pierre grain, wife of the Secretary of State of the Dominion of Canada.

A scorer of distinguished men and women guests of Miss Bertha Authier of this city, niece of Hector Authier, member of the Parliament, at this gathering which WAS held on Lord Jeftery Inn In Amherst. the (inests Seated beside the guest of honor WAg Mrs. Grace Coolidge. former 1'irst Lady of the United States and at the right and left of Mime. grain and Mrs.

Coolidge were Mayor Roger Lowell Putnam of Springfeld and Mayor Leo Senecal of Chicopee. Others at the long table where effort WAS made for A formal gram were Dr. D. Hawkins and Mrs. Hawkins of the Mount Holyoke faculty under whose auspices Mme.

came to speak in Western Airs. Gilbert H. Stewart, wife of Brig. Gen. Stewart of the United States Armory; Robert Morganthau, son of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, And senior in Amherst College; Mrs.

Bailey of Northampton, prominent in I polities: Mrs. Julia Buston of this city: Dr. Frank Bailey wife the president of Smith 1141 Mrs. Balley: Mrs. Herbert Davis, loge, whor* A tea was held late yesterday afternoon in Mme.

Old and Young Run to Carter's for HIGH GRADE ARCH SHOES CANCELLATIONS AND SAMPLES Nationally Known Makes 90 13 Worth SQ Much More If you have high grade shoes, teen accustomed to will wearing appreciate these all you the more. exclusive Metatarsal Famous essential to easy walking feature. up to kte. the feet ensuring sudport. helps not mai bark 13, SURE At.

part Dr heel slipping. Carter's 1680 Main St. Opposite Lyman $6. Springfield', Original? Cancellation Store -Open Saturday Evening honor; Miss Marinne Leland, of Smith College, A childhond friend of guest of honor; Mr. And Mrs.

Emery Authier of Chicopee: Mrs. Aimee La valice of Holyoke; Miss Ethel Craig and Ducharme of Chicopee and Ernest Monty. Mme. Casgrain WAS smartly cOStumed 1n black, relieved with white at the neckline and on her rather large hat. Mrs.

Cooldige wore A deep red printed silk afternoon dress with large navy blue hat and the hostess A'AS gowned in beige lace with matchins doll hat and brown accessories. Mrs. Stewart's ensemble was of deep coat and skirt with crisp white organdie blouse Miss Leland wore A pale blue summer silk frock in shirtwaist style. Mrs. Davis wore 8.

red print with white accents and hat of natural straw. Other women guests afternoon. Luncheon Conversation Among the interesting bite of conversation overheard, was Mrs. Coolquestion to Robert Morgenthau who sat across the table from her as to whether he found being the A man prominent in national affairs had been an embarrassment to him as a college student. To which yOung Morgenthau replied that it made no difference in his relations 10 fellow students at Amherst College what position his father held.

lie will he graduated from Amherst College this sear and expressed the intention of going into the United States Navy. Mrs. Coolidge was queried on A. sub. ject which obviously was commonplace to her, 88 to how she felt about her many "doubles" which seemed to exist in every city of the land while she WAN First Lady.

She told of an experience she had while shopping in of the large department stores, a New or York, when at A counter in one woman stepped up to her with a "P'ardon me, aren't you Airs. BurMrs. ('oolidge said at 1 time when ham," a truly delightful adventure, wherever she went there was always the undertone of "Isn't that Arg. Coolidge?" Mme. Caserain chatted amiably of her experiences abroad, taxes in Canada, experiments in the field of adult education being conducted in her country, the changes in the personality, as she had noted them, of the Prince of Wales which accompanied his metamorphosis into the Duke of Windsor, foods, fashions and politics.

The Good Cheer group of St. James' the home church, Miriam Kinney of Methodist met Wednesday at East Longmeadow with Mrs. Walter Kinney assisting. After A short business meeting the group enjoyed a motion picture of New England. Following the showing of the picture, Miss Jane Zeller was surprised with a.

kitchen and pantry shower. Miss Zeller will marry Randall Longuiel at Trinity Church on June at 3 o'clock. The next meeting will be held in the church parlors. Mrs. Marie Lackott ol Greenleat Street was hostess Wednesday to the Cosinctician Social Club.

A buffct sup. per was served. The feature of the evening was a special demonstration of various hair styles by Miss Lee Sigrid with Miss Julia Shakour in charge. There were about 50 guests present. The business of the evening WAS making further plans for the banquet that is to be held at the Hotel Kimball, June 3, for tInguished from New York, who will be visiting Springfield.

Mr. and Mre. Harry S. Barker of Strong AVenUe announce the marof their son, Warren W. Barker.

and Mias Caroline Kelley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Kelley of Port Worth, Tex.

which took place on May in Ohio. Mr. Barker is connected with the Naval Service School of the Ford Motor Company in Dearborn, where the couple will make their home at 1307 Monroe Bouleyard. Carters, High. Grade and Samples of famous make Shoes $285 anu $1330.

What's the famous brands of these shoes? We agreed not to advertise their names. But- they are practically household words with every one of you shoes for which you would willingly pay: the regular higher price. Sizes to 10 widths to AAAA Carter's 1680 Main St. Lyman Opposite This. Store only for Women's Better Cancellations Open Saturday Evenings AT LUNCHEON FOR MME.

PIERRE CASGRAIN of Left to right, Mayor Roger I. Putnam of State of Canada, Robert Morgenthau, son Spring of the United States, Miss Bertha Authier, hostess at ton, prominent in Republican politics, Mrs. Grace Leo Senecal of Chicopee and Bridal Attendants Of Barbara Colton To Be Entertained Members of the welding party of Miss Barbara Cheney Colton and Kurt Holand Krohne will he entertained at dinner this evening by Dr. Krohne's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

August Krohne of Winnipeg Street. The dinnor. which will take place at Hotel lighland. will follow a. rehearsal for the wedding which 1s to take place tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock in Faith Congregational Church.

Rev. Dwight I. Cart will perform ceremony, after which a small reception for the immediate families will bo held in the Colton home. Miss Colton, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Frink Colton of Birchwood Avenue, Longmeadow, has been complimented on soveral occasions at prenuptial parties given by relatives and friends. Members of the (benefit department of the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company gave A bathroom shower at the home of Elsie Cummings of West Springfeld. and Miss Virginia Aldoes entertained at at shower in her home on a recent evening. Miss Colton was the guest of honor at a dinner given by Mrs. Francis I.

Johnson of South Park Avenue, Long. meadow, Monday evening, and again at a luncheon given at the House 011 the Green in Longmeadow, Tuesday, by Mrs. William Donald Pilcher of Minneapolis, who is to be her matron of honor. Jirs. John Kitchen, and Mrs.

Howard K. Miller, recent brides, entortained jointly for Miss Colton at the home of Mrs. William Clish of Forest P'ark Avenue, on Wednesday. Miss Leona Rothchild of Clinton Hotels was guest of honor at A shower given Tuesday night in the Silver Star Restaurant in Agawam, given by associates in The Women's Shop. She Was presented a Chippendale coffee table, Sho will ho married in August to Thomas Sullivan of Murray Hill Avenue.

Miss Mary Theresa Sullivan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sullivan of Birnie Avenue, and Frederick Soden, son of Dr. And Mrs. Elward Soden of Agawam, will be married in the Blessed Sacrament Church tomorrow at 9 o'clock.

Miss Theresa Sullivan will he maid of honor for her sister and the best man will be Ralph Soden, brother of the future groom. Miss Betty Stein and Miss Rita Shechan will be bridesmaids, and ushpring will be Alfred Davis and Thomas Ramah. The wedding breakfast will be served at the Sullivan home, and a reception will take place later at the Antler Club in Agawam. BREECHES And JODHPURS For All The Family JODHPURS En Expertly Fine Whipcords 98 Endored All Colore MEN'S BREECHES Lowest prices, host fitting breeches 1) time. $1.95 to $6.95 JODHPURS $3.50 Men's Fine Elk Field Type Riding Boots $4.95 LADIES' BOOTS JODHPUR LADIES' Fine Leather RIDING $3.95 BOOTS Up SLEEPING BAGS Strong Waterproof Cover With Cotton Mattress With Kapok Mattress .50 TENTS ALL" KINDS FOR SALE OR RENT Tour 1 Tent Taken in Trade UMAN'S ARMY NAVY STORE 1163 NEAR MAIN STATE ST.

ST. Many Guests Will Come for Wedding Here on Saturday Relatives and Friends Are Expected for GrossSherburne Event Fountain Street announce the birth of THE STOCKING SHOP, 1682 MAIN ST. HOSIERY SALE SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY SATURDAY ONLY! SELECTED IRREGULARS OF 69c 79c FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSIERY Stock Up For Summer 17. PR. 3-Thread-12 Gauge Hi-Twist All Silk Chiffons 3-4-Thread-45 Gauge Lovely Ringless Silk Chiffons 6-Thread Ringless Service Weights Extra Lengths Here's every type of stocking you could possibly need for the spring and summer season-all at one low price! Be wise and buy a dozen pairs.

THE STOCKING SHOP 1682 MAIN ST. In the Opposite ramount Lyman Theatre St. Bldg. Judge John C. Sherburne and Mra.

Sherburne of Randolph, ale eXpected here for the wedding tomorrow ol their son, Henry M. Sherburne, and Mi98 Ruth M. Gross. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Raymond F. Gross of Westford Avenue. The ceremony will take place at 3 o'clock in Hope Congregational Church, with Rev. Dr. John Homer Miller Othera front out of town will be Miss Frances Sherburne of Boston, Mrs.

E. A. Sargent of Woodsville, N. Mr. and Mrs.

E. D. North of Ridgewood, N. Mr. and Mrs.

Adrian Julia. Powers of Bakersfield, VM, Mr. Mulloy of Waterbury, A Mrs. and Mrs. H.

C. Powers of Richford, Mr. and Mrs. D. W.

Gross of Montpelier, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hunt of Florence, Mrs. Richard Merritt and Mr.

and Mrs. Ire Sinclair and daughtor, Rolva. of Northampion, Mrs. H. F.

Cook, Mrs. Claron Cook and Miss Mildred Cook of Amherst, and Mrs. Donald Gatenby of Florence and Mfrs. Lucille Eheart and daughter, Madeleine, and Mr. and Airs.

Francis P'lum of Northampton. The Y. M. and Y. W.

H. A. Mothers Club will meet Monday evening at the association building, for the first gathering in charge of the newly elected officers. Mrs. Jacob Katz will preside.

Each member is asked to attend. accompanied by a guest. Sidney Simon, executive secretary of the association, will be the speaker. Miss Mary Jo Foster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

S. J. Poster of Hillerest Avenue, Longmeadow, who is a sti1dent at St. Lawrence University at Canton, N. participated in the annual Moving- Up Day Horse Show which took place recently at the university.

Miss Foster, who is a member of the freshman class, competed in the hands and seat class. Miss Antoinette Theresa Malolo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Domenick Maiolo of Broad Street, and Robert P'anetti of Rutledge Avenue, will be married tomorrow morning at 9 in Mt. Carmel Church.

Miss Josephine Cellilli will play the wedding music. Misses Mary Maiolo, Millie Gentile, Amelia I'anetti and Father Francesconi will attend the bride And the best man will be Joseph J'anetti. Ushers will be John Savage, Anthony Matrangelo and Frank Mole. A dinner at Tinti's and reception at the Mt. Carmel Hall will follow.

-iss Bessie Veisenberg. Mrs. A. 11 and Mrs. Morton Weisenberg Were hostesses at A miscellaneous I shower given recently at the Bridg.

way Hotel, to honor Miss Celia Weisenberg, who will become the bride of Hyman Littman on June 15, in New York City. Bridge and mah jong were enjoyed after which luncheon WAR served. The bride elect WAS sented ed many lovely gifts and A corsage marked her place at the luncheon table. Western Massachusetts Trade Teachers Association will hold its 24th annual banquet in conjunction with the meeting of the Western chapter Massachusetts Vocational Teachers Association tomorrow ning in Hotel Kimball. Robert A.

Dowling, president of the Western Massachusetts Teachers Association will serve A.S toastmaster and the chief speaker will be Prof. Theodore A. Wiel. director tor of the School of l'ublic Affairs American International College, who will talk 01 "Whither America?" Other speakers will be Harry R. Marsh, assistant superintendent of the local schools: Thomas Flynn, supervisor of teacher training with the Massachusetts State Department of Vorational Falucation, and M.

Norcross Stratton, assistant director of the same department. Mrs. Vincent Kramer will be soloist with Miss Mary Healy, accompanist and the banquet will he tended by directors and national defense supervisors as 8.9 by many teachers. Dr. and Mrs.

Murry M. Koffman of a Fon, Stephen Alan, Wednesday at. Wesson Maternity Hospital. The day also marked the second wed ling anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.

Koffman. The child a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Max Stiegel of Larkspur Street and of Mr. and Mrs.

David Koffinan of New Bedford. Street Mrs. was Nelson hostess G. at Rickson a grocery of Worthy show. Pl in honor of Miss Mildred Zieris of Wait Street Wednesday.

Miss Zieris will marry Frederick Rickson, son of Mr. end Mrs. Rickson of l'arkside Street Gil June 14 in St. James' Methodist Church. Grace Loudfoot Engaged to Wed William Madden Mr.

David Loudfoot of Forbes Avenue, Longmeadow, nounce the engagement of their daughter, Grace Viola, to William J. Madden, son of Mr. Jienry Madden of Federal Street, Agawam. Miss Loudfoot graduate of the Spring. fold Hospital School of Nursing.

Mr. son. The couple plan a July wedding. Madden is employed by Smith a Miss Stella Mateski. daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Mateski of Franklin Street, and Edward Francis Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Francis Moore of Sargeant Street, Holyoke, will be married tomorrow morning at 10 in Our Lady of the Rosary Church. Miss Lillian Mateski will be maid of honor and bridesmaids will he Misses Jane Sokowski and Joan Koreiz.

James Moore will brother And ushers will he Benjamin Mateski and James O'Donnell. The reception will take place at the P'olish National Home. Jay W. Nickels Rebekah Lodge will hold a ruminage sale in the store at the corner of Hanco*ck Street and Pendleton Avenue today starting at 9 o'clock. There will he many use.

ful articles and wearing apparel on sale. Cross Calendar Knitting distribution. 9 A. M. to 4 I'.

Surgical Dressings, 9 A. M. to 4 I'. Sewing, 9 A. M.

to 4 I'. Home Nursing, 2 to P. 7 to 9 P. Braille Reading class, 10 to 11 .1. 3 to 4.30 First Aid Instructors' Course, 7 to 10 P.

M. The Married Couples Club of South Church will have an informal dance at the Capt. Charles Leonard House, A gawam, this evening. Airs. Leonard Flowers is receiving reservations.

shades of the -BLUMESfor Better Cancellations Another Large Group of High Quality Shoes Just Received, For Dress and Street Wear All White And White Open Toes, in Cuban and High $4.95 and $5:95 Reg Values $12.75 BLUMES Cancellation Shoe Shop 357 BRIDGE sr. Near DWIGHT of field, Mme. Pierre Casgrain, wife of the Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Secretary of the Treasury of the luncheon, Mrs. Sidney Bailey of NorthampCoolidge, wife of the late President Coolidge, Mayor Miss Ethel Craig of Chicopee. Club Calendar Sinai Temple Sisterhood: 12 Noon, Annual Luncheon, Hotel Sheraton.

Faith Church Guild: 10 A. Red Cross Sewing, Parish House. Triangle Country Club: Club. Dance, Springfield Junior Pro Christo: 7.30 P. "Annabelle Steps In," Parish House, Faith Church.

Junior High Department of Wesley Church School: 8 P. Amateur Night, Parish House. Springfield Garden Club: 2.30 P. Y. W.

C. A. Springfield Teachers Club: 8.45 P. All American Youth Orchestra, Municipal Auditorium. Colonial Village.

Storrowton: First Barn Dance of Married Couple's Club of South Church: Dinner Dance. Capt. Charles Leonard House, Agawam. Springfield League for the Hard of Hearing: 10.30 A. Breakfast Bridge, Club Rooms, Massasoit Building.

Tatham School 7.45 P. Patriotic Pageant, School. Edgar Guest Cheerio Club: 1.30 P. Dessert Bridge, Mrs. Norma MacCutcheon, Wilbraham Road.

Mac Duffie Parents Forum: 4 P. M. to 7 P. Reception. Mrs.

Robert C. Munroe, Kingsbury Lane, Longmeadow. Narsova Group of Hope Church: 1.30 P. Dessert Bridge, Guild Rooms. Bahai Study Class: 8 P.

Mrs. Raymond Gould, Relchertown. St. Peter's Parish Council: 8.15 P. "Iceberg, Ho," Parish House.

Longmeadow Community Players: Dance, Longmeadow Country Club. East Springfield Girls Glee Club: 8 I'. Annual Music Festival, Central Hall. Springfield Garden Club will sor all auction sale in the barn of the George A. Bacon estate in longmeadow Street, Longmeadow.

next Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock for the benefit of its civic plantings fund. Frank McCarthy will be auctioneer. Members and others who are contrihluting articles for the auction are asked to bring them to the barn as 80011 as possible, anytime during the day. Articles will he called for by arrangement with Mrs. Harry B.

Ellis, chairman or Mrs. Albert W. Ghoreyeh. To Be Bride TODAY MISS JESSIE HINE Mr. and Mrs.

Raymond W. Hine of Albany, N. announce the coming marriage of their daughter, Jessie, to Jesse A. Perkins, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Leon Perkins of Elm Street, West Springfield. The wedding will take place June 6. Miss Hihe is a graduate of Mildred Elley Business School and is employed by the Now York Telephone Company. Mr. was graduated from Springfield College and is assistant physical director at the Y.

M. C. Schenectady. 1Mrs. Gillett Will Entertain at Tea Honoring Daughter Future Daughter in Also Will Be Complimented on June 6 Mrs.

Darwin L. Killett of DarDale. Westfeld, has issued invitations for a tea on Friday, June 6, in honor of her daughter, Miss Dale Gillett, and Miss Grace Marie Fiske of Woodmere. N. the fiancee of her son, Darwin Lathron Gillett, 3d, whose marriage will take place on June 26.

Anson Tiffany. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Tiffany of Sumner is a patient in Springfield Miss Kathleen Thornburgh, a member of the Mercy Warren Chapter, D.

I has been appointed as a state page for the Massachusetts Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, by Mrs. Frederick Glazier Smith. State Regent. of Somerville. During the recent State Convention held at the Copley-Plaza Hotel, Boston.

Miss Thornhurgh served as. Mrs. Smith's personal page. Miss Beatrice Moulton Cutler, daugh- ter of Mrs. William A.

Fletcher, of George Street and Charles Bryant Fitch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Leonard Fitch of Bliss Road, Longmeadow, will be married next day afternoon at 5.30 o'clock in the parlors of Faith Church. Rev. Dwight L.

Cart will officiate, using the double ring service, and the couple will be unattended. After June 15, they. will Miss Cutler WAS born here And wAs make their home a at 122 Central Street. graduated from the Rogers Hall School in Lowell where she has been employed as secretary. Mr.

Fitch was born here and WAS graduated from American International College. He is employed by the Springfeld Fire and Marine Insurance Company. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P.

Tarrant of Garfield Street announce the mar. riage of their daughter, Helen Mae. to Harold V. Toohey, son of Mr. and Mrs.

John J. Toohey of White Stroet. The wedding took place here on May 13, Mr. and Airs. Tarrant will make their home in Garfield Street.

The Isadore Forbes Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold its next meeting Monday evening at 7.30 in the Masonic Temple. After the business session sound pictures will he shown through the courtesy of the Publicity Department of the U. S. Naval Recruiting Service, Refreshments will ho served by Prank I. Ad.

ams, past patron, and his committee. The Maccabean Ladies Auxiliary will have its annual spring bridge and mah jong party June 12 at 7.30 o'clock in the Knights of Pythias Hall. Mrs. Jack Rome is honorary chairman, with Mrs. Leon Gotler AS general chairman and Mrs.

William Kimball heading the ticket committee. Prizes and refreshments will be included. Workmen excavating for construe. tion of Camp Davis, now antiaircraft center at Holly Ridge, N. uncovered bones believed to he those of todons.

A railroad line to the summit of Pike's Peak Colorado is the highest trackage in the United States. It reaches a height of 14,109 feet above sea level. Graduation CARDS For every type of graduate--and In wide selection--at Springfield's Greeting Card Headquarters, Harvey Lewis Guild Opticians 1503 Main 5. 'DO YOUR FEET CRY FOR HELP WHY NOT TRY Hexille CANTILEVER (Grouna Gripper) EXPERTLY SHOES FITTED Arnold's FOOT HEALTH HDOTAS 300 BRIDGE ST. 16th Anniversary Sale presents an opportunity to Buy Friday and Saturday New Summer Fabrics at Anniversary Bargain Prices H.

S. Pure Silk Prints Tub Silks, Stripes and Checks 86c 54-In. Rayon Jerseys 86c Printed All Silk Chiffon 86c Guaranteed Crepe Slips All Silk Marquisette Printed Bamberg Sheers Embroidered White Organdie Popular Printed Shantungs White Cotton Corduroy 46c Checked and Striped Sharkskin French Crepe Prints Ringless Hosiery .39 Fashionable Lucky Stripes Fine Printed Pique 29 Colored Sport Shantungs Pretty Printed Seersucker Pre-Shrunk Cotton Chambray Fine Floral Dimity Printed Batiste and Voile Gay Broadcloth Prints ...19 Georges 14 VERNON ST. A few stent from Main Street 3 3 6- 4 1 AMity.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.